The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden

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The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden

By F. Ll. Griffith and Herbert Thompson


(1) Behold a form of inquiry of the sun, of which they say it is well tested. Its spirit-gathering: you take a young boy who is pure, you make the spirit-formula (?) (2) which is written for it; you take him before the sun; you make him stand on a new brick at the moment at which (3) the sun shall rise, and it comes up entirely with the entire (?) disk; you put a new mat (?) of linen behind (?) him; you (4) make him shut his eyes; you stand upright over him; you recite down into his head; you strike down on (5) his head with your Ra-finger of your right hand, after filling his eye with the paint which you made before: (6) 'Nasira, Oapkis, Shfe (bis), Bibiou (bis) is thy true name (bis), Lotus, open to me heaven (7) in its breadth and height, bring to me the light which is pure; let the god come to me, who has the command, and let him say to me (8) answer to everything which I am asking here to-day, in truth without falsehood therein (?), Arkhnoutsi, Etale, Tal, (9) Nasira, Yarmekh, Nasera, Amptho, Kho, Amamarkar, Tel, Yaeo, (10) Nasira, Hakia, Lotus, Khzisiph, Aho, Atone, I .I. E. O, Balbel, (11) let the pure light come to me; let the boy be (?) enchanted; let answer be given me; let the god who has the command come to me and tell (12) me answer to everything about which I shall ask, in truth without falsehood therein.' Thereafter you recite his compulsion another (13) seven times, his eyes being shut. Formula: 'Si. si. pi. thiripi S . A. E. O. Nkhab (14) Hrabaot, Phakthiop, Anasan, Kraana, Kratris, Ima-(15) ptaraphne, Araphnu, come to the boy; let the god who has the command come to him, let him tell me answer to everything (16) which I shall ask here to-day.' If the light is slow to come within, you say, 'Ke, Ke, Salsoatha, Ippel, (17) Sirba,' seven times; you put frankincense (?) on the brazier, you utter this great name after all those, you utter it (18) from beginning to end, and vice versa, four times, 'Auebothiabathabaithobeua;' (19) you say: 'Let the boy see the light, let the god who has the command come in; let him tell me answer to everything about which I shall ask (20) here to-day, in truth without falsehood therein.'

Behold, another form of it again. You take the boy to an upper lofty (21) place, you make him stand in a place where there is a large window before him, its opening looking to the East where the sun shines (22) in rising into it; you paint the boy's eye with the paint which is prescribed for it, you recite to him ...... times or seven times; you stand over him; you make him (23) gaze before the sun when it fills the uzat, he standing upright on a new brick, there being a new linen robe behind him (?), and his eyes being closed; (24) you recite down into his head; you strike on his head with your finger described above; you offer frankincense (?) before him; when you have finished you make him open his eyes, (25) then he sees the gods behind him (?) speaking with him. [The ointment] which you put in the boy's eyes when he goes to any vessel-inquiry of the sun (26). You take two ... of the river both alive, you bum one of them with vine-wood before the sun, you put the blood of the other to (?) it, (27) you pound it with it with myrrh, you make them into a pill, they measuring one finger (in length); you ... put into his eyes; you take a kohl-pot (?) of ..... and a kohl-stick (?) of (28) lel (?). You pound this drug with a little set-stone(?) of Ethiopia and with Egyptian vine-water; you fill your eyes with it, you (29) fill your eyes with this drug, you look towards the sun when it fills the uzat, your eyes being open towards it; then he appears to you, he gives you answer (?) (30) to everything. Its chief point is purity; it is profitable for the boy, and it is profitable to you yourself as a person (acting) alone.



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