The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden

Masonic, Occult and Esoteric Online Library

The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden

By F. Ll. Griffith and Herbert Thompson

Verso Col. II

(1) Chamaemelon. 'Clean-straw' is its name.

(2) Leucanthemon. 'Prick-horse' (?) is its name.

(3) Crinanthemon. 'None is better than I' is its name.

(4) Chrysanthemon, 'Fine-face' is its name, otherwise said 'the gold flower' (5) of the wreath-seller; its leaf is strong, its stem is cold (?), (6) its flower is golden; its leaf is like crinanthemon.

(7) Magnesia, (8) manesia.(9) A stone of ..... black like (10) stibium; when you grind it, it is black.

(11) Magnes. Magnesia viva; it is brought (i.e. imported?).

(12) Maknes. When you scrape it, it is black.

(13) Maknes of man. It is brought (14) from India (?); when you scrape it (15) it exudes blood.

(16) To drug (?) your enemy; (17) an apshe-beetle (?); you burn it with styrax (?), (18) you pound it together with one drachma of apple (19) and a ..... and you .... (20) and you put a ........



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