The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden

Masonic, Occult and Esoteric Online Library

The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden

By F. Ll. Griffith and Herbert Thompson

Verso Col. III

(1) Medicament [for a catalepsy (?). Gall of ceras]tes, (2) pips (?) of western apples, herb of klo. (3) Grind them together, make into a ball, put it into wine(?), and drink (?).

(4) Lees of wine. (5) It is a white stone like (6) galbanum.

There is another sort which is made (7) into lime (?).

The way to know it (8) that it is genuine is this: You grind a little (9) with water; you rub it on the skin (10) of a man for a short time; then it (11) removes the skin. (12) Its name in Greek (?) ?φροσ?ληνον, (13) 'Foam of the moon,' it is a white stone.

(14) A medicament for making a woman love a man: Fruit(?) of acacia; (15) grind with honey, anoint his phallus with it, (16) you (sic) lie with the woman.

(17) 'Foam of the moon'; this is a white stone like (18) glass, (when?) it is rubbed into fragments like orpiment.



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