The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden

Masonic, Occult and Esoteric Online Library

The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden

By F. Ll. Griffith and Herbert Thompson

Verso Col. IV

(1) Medicament for an ear that is watery.

(2) Salt, heat with good wine; (3) you apply to it after cleansing (?) it first. (4) You scrape salt, heat with wine; (5) you apply to it for four days.

(6) σαλαμ?νδρα, (7) a small lizard (8) which is of the colour of chrysolite. (9). It has no feet.

(10) 'Ram's horn,' κεφαλικ? is its name, (11) a herb which is like a wild fennel bush; (12) its leaf and its stem are incised like (13) the 'love-man' plant: you pound it when it is dry, you gather (?) it, (14) you make it into a dry powder; you apply it to any wound; then it is cured.

Styrax, (16) it grows like slom (?) (17) as to its leaf; its seed is twisted (18) like the 'ram's horn' plant, it bearing (19) a small spine at its end.



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