The Hieroglyphics of Horapollo

Masonic, Occult and Esoteric Online Library

The Hieroglyphics of Horapollo


How A Month

To represent a month they delineate a PALM BRANCH, or, the MOON INVERTED. A palm branch for the reason before mentioned respecting the palm tree; and the moon inverted, because they say, that, in its increase, when it has come to fifteen degrees, 1 it appears in figure with its horns erect; and in its decrease, after having completed the number of thirty days, 2 it sets with its horns inverted.


I. II. A month.
III. The twelve months, divided into three seasons:

Season of Vegetation.

Thoth.  Paophi.  Hathor.  Choiak.

Season of Harvest.

Toby.  Mechir.  Phamenoth.  Pharmuthi.

Season of Inundation.

Pachon.  Paoni.  Epiphi.  Mesori.




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