The Hieroglyphics of Horapollo

Masonic, Occult and Esoteric Online Library

The Hieroglyphics of Horapollo


How Delight

When they would represent delight they depict the NUMBER 16; 1 for from this age men begin to hold commerce with women, and to procreate children.

52:1 Leemans very happily suggests, from the following passage in Pliny. Nat. Hist. V. 9., that the symbol had some reference to the rising of the Nile: "Justum incrementum est cubitorum sedecim . . . . . . . in duodecim cubitis famem sentit; in tredecim etiamnum esurit; quatuordecim cubits hilaritatem adferunt; quindecim securitatem; sedecim delicias."



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