The Hieroglyphics of Horapollo

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The Hieroglyphics of Horapollo


How Infinite, or a Song, or Fate

SEVEN LETTERS INCLUDED WITHIN TWO FINGERS [RINGS?] 2 symbolize a song, or infinite, or fate.

XXIX. 1. The number 70 is very common on funereal tablets, and signifies "The Days of mourning." Sh. 676. The Egyptians still sing their lamentations, perhaps a relic of the funereal chant called, Maneros by Plutarch.
2. An amulet with some mystic signification.

106:2 De Pauw. sug. δακτυλ?οις," rings."—Reuv. ?ντος δακτυλ?ου, "within a ring." Qy. Bent into the form of a ring.



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