The Hieroglyphics of Horapollo

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The Hieroglyphics of Horapollo


How One Who is Ungrateful to His Benefactors

To signify a man that is ungrateful and quarrelsome with his benefactors, they delineate a Dove, for when the male becomes the stronger, the drives his father away from his mother, and mates himself with her. This creature however seems to be pure, because when any pestilential epidemic rages, and every thing, animate and inanimate, sickens with disease, those persons alone who feed upon this bird do not share in so great a calamity. Wherefore during such a time nothing is served up to the king as food except the dove alone. And the same food is served up to those who are under a course of purification, that they may minister to the gods. It is likewise reported that this creature has no gall.



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