The Hieroglyphics of Horapollo

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The Hieroglyphics of Horapollo


How the Great Cyclical Renovation

When they would denote the great cyclical renovation, they portray the bird PHŒNIX. For when he is produced a renovation of things takes place, and he is produced in this manner. When the Phœnix is about to die, he casts himself vehemently upon the ground, and is wounded by the blow, and from the ichor, which flows from the wound, another phœnix is produced; which as soon as it is fledged, goes with his father to the city of the sun in Egypt; who when he is come thither, dies in that place at the rising of the sun. And after the death of his father, the young one departs again to his own country; and the priests of Egypt bury the phœnix that is dead.




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