Again when they would signify and designate a king who rules the world, they delineate the same SERPENT, and in the middle thereof they represent a LARGE HOUSE, and with reason for the royal abode from him - - - - - - in the world.
I. After the king's name has been once or twice given in an inscription, a serpent seems to be sometimes substituted.
II. From Belzoni's tomb.
III. Golden house or palace.—Sh. 380.
IV. King's house or palace.—Sh. 379.
V. God's house or temple.—Sh. 371.
P.O. BOX 70
Larkspur CO 80118
United States
(303) 681-2028
Co-Masonry, Co-Freemasonry, Women's Freemasonry, Men and Women, Mixed Masonry