When they denote government, 3 or a judge, they place close against the dog a ROYAL ROBE, the undress garment: 1 because like the dog, who, as I said before, gazes intently on the images of the gods, so likewise the minister, being in the more ancient times a judge also, used to see the king naked, and on this account they add the royal garment.
I. The figure, which appears to be some spotted skin upon a pole, is commonly placed beside Osiris or Thoth in the judgment of the dead, in which Anubis or the Dog is also concerned. It may be some coarse garment, but it is evidently the panther skin of the Greek Dionysus, the counter-part of Osiris.
II. Osiris as judge of the dead; another forth of Khem.
62:2 Qy. ?σφραιν?μενοι, the robe bearer, who was one of the officers of the procession. See the illustration of these chapters from Clemens, in the plate and note at the end.
62:3 Qy. ?ρχοντα, An archon or minister of state.
63:1 Very obscure—Treb. reads nudæ figuræ appositam, placed on a naked figure.—Mer. and De Pauw. suggest σχ?ματι γ?μν?—Caus. κα? σχ?μα γυμν?ν. It seems to have been the hide of some beast worn next the skin by the King, (as Dionysus and Hercules are represented,) sod, according to Mr. Wilkinson, by the priests of a certain grade.—See his Ancient Egypt.
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