The Interior Castle

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The Interior Castle

By St. Teresa of Avila


Absalom, III. i. 6

Acts of praise, love, etc. IV. i. 7

Agnes St., VI. v. 13

Alcantara, St. Peter of, IV. iii. 5; VI. vi. 13

Alva, Duchess of; VI. iv. 9; VII. i. 9, note 6

Amber, VI. v. 2

Anthony, St., VI. v. 9

Antonius a Spiritu Sancto, IV. iii. I; VI. i. 5, 12, 18, iii. 5; iv. 17, VI. 11

Apostles, our Lord's prayer for, VII. ii. 10; sufferings of, VII. iv. 7

Augustine, St., IV. iii. 3; VI. vii. 11

Avila, Bl. John of; VI. ix. 11; St. Joseph's convent at, VI. vi. 14; VII. iv. conclusion

Awe, produced by visions, VI. ix. 4


Babe, likeness of; IV. iii. 9

Bañez, Fr. Dominic, VI. ix. 11

Bee, likeness of; I. ii. 9; V. ii. 2

Beggar, likeness of; IV. iii. 5

Beginners, II. i. passim

Bethsaida, the blind man at the pool of; I. i. 10

Blindness, spiritual, VI. iv. 15

Body, the setting of the diamond, I. i. 3; the outer walls of the Castle, I. i. 3; care of, III. ii. 9, 11; VI. iii. 12; strength of; not necessary in prayer of Union, V. i. 2; effect of prayer of Union on, V. i. 3

Books, spiritual insufficiency of, IV. iii. 4; use of; V. ii. 3

Bride, in the Canticle, V. i. 10; and Bridegroom, V. iv. 3

Butterfly, likeness of, V. ii. I, 2. 6, 7, 8; iv. I; VI. iv. 1, Vi. I, 3; xi. I; VII. iii. 1, 10


Cecilia, St., V. iv. 1

Call, God's, to the soul, II. i. 4-6; IV. iii. 2, 3

Carelessness in prayer, I. i. 9

Carmel, our Lady of; Preface, p. 36; III. i. 5; Order of, Constitutions, I. ii. 7; V. i. 2; Rule of, VI. vi. 7

Carmelite nuns, discalced, Preface, p. 36; I. i. 9; VI. vi. 14

Castle, Interior, Preface, argument, p. 35; I. i. 2, 3, ii. I; VI. iii. 27, iv. 17; description, I. ii. 8; entrance to, I. i. 7; foundation of, VII. iv. 13; prayer and meditation, I. i. 9, 11; precincts of, I. i. 10

Caterpillar, likeness of, V. ii. 6

Cellar of wine, V. i. 10, ii. 11

Certitude of the soul, a sign of union, V. i. 8, 9

Changes wrought in the soul by prayer of Union, V. ii. 7, 10, 12

Charity, works of; only remedy in times of darkness, VI. i. 24; effect of spiritual matrimony, VII. iv. 16-23

Christ's face, VI. ix. 12; sufferings, our pains joined to, V. ii. 4

Church, holy Roman Catholic, Preface, p. 36; VII. iv. conclusion; love of, IV. i. 7

Clearness, a sign that locutions come from God, VI. iii. 20

Communion, holy, VII. ii. 1

Complaints, loving, VI. ii. 3

Confession, regular, V. ii. 3

Confessor, to be consulted on locutions, VI. iii. 18; and on visions, VI. ix. 10; if mistaken, VI. viii. 10, 11; timorous, VI. i. 15-19

Confidence, II. i. 17

Confirmation in grace, VII. ii. 13

Conformity with the will of God, II. i. 15; III. ii. 5, 8; VI. xi. 5.

Consolations, divine (prayer of Quiet), III. ii. 13; IV. i. 4, 5, ii. 2, 4, 5, 6, iii. 7; earthly, no use, VI. i. 22

Contempt, III. ii. 6; for earthly things, an effect of raptures, VI. V. 13

Contradiction, by good people, VI. i. 5

Courage, necessary, II. i. 13; III. ii. 10; VI. i. 2, 3, iv. I, V. 7, 14.

Cross, II. i. 15; necessary in prayer of Union, V. ii. 8; of saints, VII. iv. 7

Crystal, I. i. 2, ii. 3, 4


Darkness, dispelled by God, VI. i. 20; different kinds of, I. ii. I. VII. i. 4

David, King, III. i. 6; VI. x. 5; VII. iv. 5, 15

Deaf-mutes, II. i. 3, 6

Deception, fear of, VI. i. 16; satanic, V. iv. 5, 6, 7; where impossible, VI. ii. 9-12

Defects, impeding union, V. iii. 6

Desires, of death, VI. xi. 9; VII. iii. 14; generous, IV. i. 7; to serve God, better than visions, etc., VI. ix. 20, 2 i; VII. iii. 5; of suffering, VII. iii. 4; sometimes to be checked, VI. vi. 5; to see God, VI. vii. 3

Detachment, III. i. 13, ii. 7

Detraction, I. ii. 22

Devil, I. ii. 2; like a file, I. ii. 19 deceives by false favours, IV. iii. 10-13; V. ii. 8; a good painter, VI. ix. 11; unable to interfere in prayer of Union, V. i. 6.; and in intellectual visions, VI. x. i; wiles of, I. ii. 13, 18, 20; II, i. 11; IV. iii. 10; VI. i. 25

Devotion, sensible, see Sweetness in prayer

Diamond, soul likened to, I. i.2, 3

Dilatation of heart, IV. i. 5, ii. 5

Direction necessary, II. i. 18; III. ii. 18

Directors, learned and unlearned, V. i. 7; VI. i. 16-19

Distractions, in prayer, I. i. 10; IV. i. 10, 11

Dominic, St., V. iv. 4; VII. iv. 16

Dove, soul likened to, V. iii. 1; iv. I; VI. ii. I, xi. I

Drowsiness, V. i. 3, 5

Dryness, in prayer, III. i. 9, 10, 15


Easter, trance on the feast of, VI. xi. 8.

Ecstasies, rare in Seventh Mansions, VII. iii. 10

Elias, St., VI. vii. 10; VII. iv. 16

Energy, III. ii. 10, 11

Enriquez, Doña Maria, VI. iv. 9; VII. i. 9

Entering within oneself; IV. iii. I, 3, 4

Envy, spiritual, I. i. 5

Espousals, spiritual, V. iv. 1-3; VI. ii. 1, iv. i; difference between, and matrimony, VII. ii. 2, 4

Exclamations, VII. ii. 7

Exterior works do not interfere with interior life, VII. iii. 3


Faculties, given to be used, IV. iii. 6; suspension of, VI. iv. 17

Faults, slight, V. iv. 6

Favours, divine, not to be disbelieved, I. i. 6.; value of; III, ii. 16, 17; how to be used, IV. iii. 9, 10; false, IV. iii. 11, 12; V. ii. 8; distinction from divine, IV. iii. 12

Fear of illusions, VI. ix. 8

Ferrer, St. Vincent, VII. iv. 16

Fervour, supernatural, VI. ii. 14; VII. iv. 14

File, devil likened to a, I. ii. 19

Fire of burning coal, God likened to, VI. ii. 6

Flight of the spirit, IV. i. 10; VI. v. I, 2, 8, 10-13

Francis, St., V. iv. 4; VI. vi. 12; VII. iv. 16

Fraternal charity, V. iii. 11, 12

Fretting under trials, III. ii. I, 2

Friendship, spiritual, II. i. 12

Fuente, Don Vicente de, VII. ii. 7


Gaze, the simple, VI. vii. 14

Gedeon, II. i. 13

Give all to God, V. i. 3

God compels the soul to listen when He speaks, VI. iii. 27

God's special care of souls most advanced, VII. iii. 8

Gonzalez, Giles, VII. i. 9

Gratian, Father Jerome, I. ii. 21; IV. i. 11; V. i. 9

Grief; natural and supernatural, V. ii. 11, 13, iii. 7


Hart, wounded, VII. iii. 12

Heathen philosophers, V. iii. 7

Hell, VI. xi. 7; fear of, lost, VI. vii. 4; torments of, milder than those of the last Judgment, VI. ix. 4

Human praise and blame alike troublesome, VI. i. 7-11

Humanity, sacred of our Lord, meditation on, VI. vii. 6-19; vision of, VI. ix. 2; VII.

Humility, effect of supernatural favours, VI. iii. 25; v. 5, ix. 9; false, I. ii. II, 12; always necessary, I. ii. 9, 10, 12; III. i. 13, 15, ii. 3, 8; IV. ii. 8; from vision of a soul in mortal sin, I. ii. 5; want of I. 15; III. ii. 12; humility and truth, VI. x. 6

Hysteria, see Melancholia


Ignatius of Loyola, St., V. iv. 4

Ignorance, injurious, IV. i. 9, 13; of a priest, V. i. 7, 9

Imagination, IV. i. 8-10, iii. 13; VI. i. 1; difference between it and visions, VI. ix. 5, 6; locutions proceeding from, VI. iii. 16, 17

Imitation of Christ, I. i. 8; II. i. 8; V. i. 3, iii. 3; VII. iv. 7, 12

Impulses, VI. ii. 12, xi. per totem.

Incense, spiritual, IV. ii. 6; VI. ii. 14

Inebriation, spiritual, VI. iv. 18, 19, vi. 15

Insecurity, III. i. 3

Intellectual locutions, VI. iii. 19-24

Interior Castle, see Castle Isabel of Jesus, VI. xi. 8


Jacob, VI. iv. 6

Jerome, St., VI. ix. 4

Jesus, I. ii. 4; ever our guide, VI. vii. 7, 8; our model, I. ii. 12; His Passion, V. ii. VI. vii. 8, 9

Jewels, V. i. 2; VI. iv. 9, v. 13, ix. I.

John of Avila, Blessed, VI. ix. 11 n.

John of the Cross, St., I. i. 2, 4; IV. I, 3, iii. 3, 6; V. i. 6, 9; VI. ii. 3, 14, iii. 5, 7 sqq., iv. 21, v. 2, vii. 8, 10, viii. 3. ix. 20 xi. 4, 6; VII. i. 13, ii. 13

Jonas, prophet, V. iii. 6. 14

Jordan, river, VI. vi. 3

Josue, VI. iii. 27

Joy at seeing locutions fulfilled, VI. iii. 13

Jubilation, I. ii. 5; VI. vi. 11-1 5

Judas, V. iii. 2, iv. 5

Judgment, last, VI. ix. 4


Kernel of palmito, I. ii. 8

Kiss of the Bridegroom, VII. iii. 12


Lazarus, V. iii. 5

Leon, Fray Luis de, III. i. 3; VII. ii. 7

Liberty of spirit, I. ii. 9

Light, I. ii. 15; supernatural, VI. v. 8

Likeness of Christ, VI. ix. 11

Lizards, V. i. 5

Locutions, VI. iii. per totum; 'Be not troubled,' ib. 7; VI. iv. 21; 'It is I,' VI. iii. 8, viii. 3, 4; 'Be at peace,' VI. iii. 8; VII. ii. 2; 'To care for God's affairs,' VII. 11. I, iii. 1

Loss of highly favoured souls, IV. iii. 10

Lot's wife, I. i. 8

Love of enemies, VI. i. 12; of God, IV. i. 7; V. iii. 7, 8; of neighbour, V. iii. 7, 8

Ludolf of Saxony, VI. ix. 4

Lutherans, VII. iv. conclusion


Mansions, I. i. 2, 4, ii. 4, 8, 15; VII. iv. conclusion

Martha, VII. i. 14, iv. 17

Martin, St., VI. vi. 6

Mary, Blessed Virgin, our help, I. ii. 14; meditation on, VI. vii. 8; sufferings of, VII. iv. 7

Mary Magdalen, St., I. i. 5; VI. vii. 5, xi. 1 2; VII. i. 14, ii. 9, iv. i6-20

Matrimony, spiritual, VII. I, 7, ii. per totum; difference between, and Espousals, VII. ii. 2; effects of, VII. iv. 10 sqq.; in this state soul free from sin, VII. iv. 3; and confirmed in grace, VII. ii. 13

Meditation, VI. vii. 11-13

Melancholia, (hysteria), III. i 9; IV. ii. 1, 2; VI. i. 15, iii. 2, 3, vi. 7, 15

Memento, VI. iv. 14

Mendoza, Don Alvaro de, VII. iii. 4

Moses, VI. iv. 7

Mount Carmel, see Carmel

Music, VII. iii. 10

Mysteries, revealed during raptures, VI. iv. 10, 12, 13


Noe's Ark, VII. iii. 12

Nuptials, spiritual, see Matrimony


Obedience, preface, p. 3 5; I. i. 1; III. i. 4, ii. 18

Obligations, of a soul enraptured, VI. v. 4; on account of intellectual visions, VI. viii. 8

Odour, supernatural, VI. ii. 14

Olive branch, VII. iii. 12


Padranos, Fr. Juan de, VI. viii. 3

Palace, God likened to, VI. x. 3; VII. ii. 15

Palmito, I. ii. 8

Passion of Christ, V. ii. 13; becomes the property of the soul, VI. v. 6; meditation on, VI. vii. 8, 9, 13-15

Paul, St., I. i. 5; III. i. 13; VI. vii. 5, ix. 7; VII. i. 8, ii. 6, iv. 7; (hermit) VI. v. 9

Peace, II. i. 16; following upon Spiritual Matrimony, VII. ii. 10, 13, iii. 9, 13; 'Peace be with you,' V. i. 10; VII. ii. 2

Penances, indiscreet, I. ii. 19.; too discreet, III. ii. 9

Perfection, true, I. ii. 20

Perfume, IV. ii. 6; VI. ii. 14

Perseverance, II. i. 17, 18; III. i. 1

Peter, St., III. i. 13; VI. vii. 5; VII. iv. 8

Phoenix, VI. iv. 3

Philippus a Ss. Trinitate, IV. i. 3, ii. 8, iii. 1; V. i. 8, iii. 4, iv. 3; VI. i. 18, iv. 3 sqq., v. 2, 10, vi. 11

Pictures, holy, VII. iii. 10

Pilate, VI. x. 5

Prayer, St. Teresa's writings on, Preface, p. 36; books on, I. i. 8; IV. iii. 4, 5; no difference between vocal and mental, I. i 9; talking inconsiderately to God is not prayer, I. i. 9; need of guidance in, I. ii. 7; II. i. 18; perseverance in, II. i. 19; prayer and mortification a great work, VII. iv. 22

Preparation for prayer of Union, V. ii. 4, 5

Presence, spiritual of our Lord, VI. viii. 2-6; VII. iii. 5, 7; of Saints, ib. 7; of the Blessed Trinity, VII. i. 9-13

Presence chamber, God's, VII. i. 3, 7

Prioress, advice to, IV. iii. 12; VI. iii. 2, vii. 16, viii. 11, 12

Prophecies, VI. iii. 11, 12

Purgatory, VI. xi. 6


Quiet, prayer of, IV. iii. 7; different from prayer of Union, V. i. 5. See also Consolations, divine


Raptures, VI. iv. per totum; effects of, VI. vi. i; false, IV. iii. 11; VI. iv. 22; rare in Seventh Mansion, VII. iii. 10 Recollection, prayer of, IV. iii. 1, 3, 4; different from prayer of Quiet, IV. iii. 7

Reptiles, I. i. 11, II. ii. 15; II. i. 16; IV. i. 3; VII. ii. 15, iv, 1

River of living waters, I. ii. 1, 3


Sacrament, Blessed, V. i. 9

Samaritan woman, VI. xi. 5

Saul, king, V. iii. 2; VI. ix. 18

Schram, Dom, VI. iii. 10; viii. 10

Search for God, VI. vii. 11

Secrecy of raptures, VI. iv. 20, 21, viii. 12

Security, III. i. 1, 2

Self-knowledge, I. ii. 9-11; IV. i.

13; V. iv. 8; VI. V. 12

Senses, I, ii. 4; IV. iii. 1; VI, iv. 17

Sepulchre, V. i. 10

Sermons, V. ii. 3; VII. 10

Seville, III. ii. 10

Siena, St. Catharine of; VI. v. 2

Silkworm, likeness of, V. ii. 1-6; 5

Sin, mortal, I. ii. 1-3; committed under the very eyes of God, VI. x. 2, 3

Sinners in prison, VII. i. 4, 5

Slaves of Christ, VII. iv. 12; of our neighbour, VII. iv. 13

Sleep of the soul in prayer of Union, V. i. 3

Solitude, desire of, VI. vi. 1, 2

Solomon, III. i. 6; VII. iii. 9, IV. 4

Sorrow for sins increasing with graces, VI. vii. 1-5

Soul likened to a castle, I. i, 2; to a crystal, I. ii. 3; to a garden, I. i. 2; to a ship, VI. v. 3; dignity of, I. i. 3; a soul that does not pray is lame, I. i. 8; soul in mortal sin, I. ii. 1-5; VII. i. 4-6; the soul and its faculties, VII. i. 15, 16

Spark from the fire of God, VI. ii. 6, 7

Standstill in virtue, V. iv. 10

Struggles, interior, II. i. 9, 10

Sufferings, bodily, VI. i. 13, 14

Sun, source of light, I. ii. I, 3-5, 8

Sweetness in prayer, (sensible devotion), IV. i. 4-7, ii. 4.


Tears, IV. i. 4, 6; V. ii. 9; VI. vi. 6, 9

Temptations, advantages of, IV. i. 3; particularly fierce before Espousals, V. iv. 4, 7

Teresa, St., consoled by Christ, VI. v. 6; cures a melancholy nun, IV. iii. 12; desires death, VI. vii. 3; desires others to serve God better, V. iii. 2; her experience in spiritual matters, V. i. 7, iv. 4; feels no pain during ecstasies, IV. i. 11; feels presence of our Lord, VI. viii. 2-5; of the Saints, ib. 7; former mistakes, VI. vii. 18, 19; suffers from headaches, Preface, pp. 35, 36; IV. i. 10; never suffered from hysteria, IV. ii. 2; locutions, vide sub voce; has more light now than formerly, I. ii. 7; IV. i. i, ii. 6; praises God for favours bestowed on others, III. ii. 16; profits by vision of a soul in mortal sin, I. ii. 1, 2, 5, VII. i. 4; by heavenly visions, VII. i. 14; her raptures, vide sub voce; readiness to suffer, VI. xi, 10; self-disparagement, Preface, p. 37; I. ii. 7; III. i. 4, 5, 7; submits her writings to the judgment of the Church, Preface, p. 36; VII. iv. conclusion; suffers at the sight of sin, V. ii. 13; transverberation, VI. xi. 2, 4, 8; is troubled by turmoil of thoughts, IV. 18; troubles she went through, VI, i. 5-27; vi. 1, viii. 12; her visions, VI. ix. 20; VII. 1; of the Blessed Trinity, VII. i. 9 sqq; wound of love, VI. ii. 9; writings, Preface, p. 36; I. ii. 6, 7; V. iv. 12

Theriac, II. i. 16

Thomas Aquinas, St., V. i. 6; VI. v. 8

Toledo, St. Joseph's convent at, Preface, p. 36

Tortoise, IV. iii. 4.

Trance, false, IV. iii. 11, 12; VI. iv. 22; at Easter, VI. xi. 8

Transverberation, VI. xi. 2, 4, 8

Tree of life, I. ii. I, 3

Trinity, Blessed, feast of, Preface, p. 36; vision of, VII. i. 9; presence of, VII. i. 9-13

Troubles preceding perfect union, VI. i. 3-20


Understanding, IV. i. 8

Union, prayer of; different from prayer of Quiet, V. i. 5; leads to Espousals, V. iv. 2; with vanities of the world, V. i. 6, 7; with the Will of God, V. iii. 5-8

Ursula, St., V. iv. 4


Velasquez, Don Alonso, VII, 13

Virtues, real and imaginary, V. iii. 9, 10

Visions, corporal, St. Teresa never saw one, VI. ix. 3; imaginary, VI. iv. 6, v. 9, ix, per totem; intellectual, VI. iv. 10, 11; v. 9; viii. per totem; x, per totum; not to be sought or wished for, VI. ix. 13-19; of a soul in mortal sin. I. ii. 2, 5


Watchfulness, III. i. 2; V. iv. 8, 9

Water, spiritual, I. ii, 3; IV. ii. 3, 4, 8; iii. 8; VI. v. 3; xi, 5; VII. ii. 8, 13

Wax, soul likened to, V. ii, 11, 12; wax candles, VII. ii. 5

Will of God, union with, V. iii. 4, 5; VI. xi. 5

Works, good, II. i. 20; III. i, 12, 14, ii. 1 5; V. iii. 11; VI, i. 24; VII. iv. 17-24

World, persons in the, III. i. 8, 9; ii. 4, 5

Worldliness, I. ii, i 6, 17; II. i, 7

Wound of love, VI. ii. 2-12; xi. 2-4, 10-12


Zeal, indiscreet, I. ii. 19, 21; III. ii. 19

Zebedee, sons of; VI, xi. 12



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