The Kabbalah Unveiled

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The Kabbalah Unveiled

By S.L. Macgregor Mathers

Concerning the Dew, or Moisture of the Brain, of the Ancient One, or Macroprosopus

44. AND from that skull distilleth a dew upon Him which is external, and filleth His head daily.

45. And from that dew which floweth down from His head, that (namely) which is external, the dead are raised up in the world to come.

46. Concerning which it is written, Cant. v. 2: "My head is filled with dew." It is not written "It is full with dew;" but NMLA, Nimla, "it is filled."

47. And it is written, Isa. xxvi. 19: "The dew of the lights is Thy dew." Of the lights--that is, from the brightness of the Ancient One.

48. And by that dew are nourished the holy supernal ones.

49. And this is that manna which is prepared for the just in the world to come.

50. And that dew distilleth upon the ground of the holy apple trees. This is that which is written, Exod. xvi. 14: "And when the dew was gone up, behold upon the face of the desert a small round thing."

51. And the appearance of this dew is white, like unto the colour of the crystal stone, whose appearance hath all colours in itself. This is that which is written, Num. xi. 7: "And its varieties as the varieties of crystal."



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