The Kabbalah Unveiled

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The Kabbalah Unveiled

By S.L. Macgregor Mathers

Concerning the Fifth Part of the Beard of Macroprosopus

382. THE fifth conformation. Another path goeth forth beneath the mouth. This is that which is written in the saying of Micah: "LA HChZIQ LOD APV, Lo Hecheziq Lead Apo, He hath not kept his anger for ever." "Arise Rabbi Yosi!"

383. Rabbi Yosi arose, and commencing said, Ps. cxliv. 15: "'Blessed is the people that is in such a case; blessed is the people whose God is Tetragrammaton.'

384. "'Blessed is the people that is in such a case.' What is this 'ShKKH LV, Shekakah Lo, That is in such a case?' Like as it is said in Est. vii. 10: 'And the wrath of the king was appeased,' ShKKH, Shekakah; that is, 'Became quiet from his wrathfulness.'

385. "Another exposition: He was appeased through his wrath, which is intimated in these words, Num. xi. 15: 'And if Thou dealest thus with me, kill me, I pray Thee, out of hand, if I have found grace in Thy sight.'

"'Kill me, I pray Thee, out of hand;' this is judgment of judgments. But 'Blessed is the people whose God is Tetragrammaton;' this is mercies of mercies.

387. "Another exposition: ShKKH, Shekaka, is the name which includeth all names, 1 in consequence of which that Holy Blessed One maketh His wrath to pass away, and caused Microprosopus to be at peace, and taketh away all those extraneous (matters) from the midst.

388. "We have learned through Barietha (or the tradition given forth without the holy city), that that path of the conformation of the holy supernal Ancient of the Ancient Ones, which descendeth in the beard beneath the nostrils of the nose, and this inferior path, are equal in every way, in such a manner that that which is below is like that which is above. 2 The superior (path) is called passing over transgression the inferior, 'He hath not kept His anger for ever.'

389. "Also we have learned this: 'He hath not kept,' i.e., there is no place wherein anger can remain. Like as in the superior there is opportunity given for taking away (anger), so also in the inferior is the (same opportunity) afforded.

390. "We have learned this: whensoever in this Ancient One, the most concealed of all, this path is uncovered, it is well for all the inferior (paths); 1 for then appeareth counsel for doing good to them all.

391. "But when it is withdrawn, and is not uncovered, there is no counsel, neither is there any who knoweth Him, save Himself. 2

392. "Like as also none knoweth the superior Eden, save Himself,. save Him, the Ancient of the Ancient Ones.

393. "And concerning this it is written, Ps. xcii. 6: 'O Lord, how excellent are Thy works! Thy thoughts are very deep!'"

394. Rabbi Schimeon said unto him: "May thy works be reckoned in order in the world to come by the Ancient of the Ancient Ones!"

155:1 It is not at first sight evident why this word should be the "name which includeth all names." But if we examine it by Gematria we shall soon see the reason. ShKKH, Sh + K + K + H = 300 + 20 + 20 + 5 = 345 = ShMH, Shemah = Ha Shem, The Name. This title Shemah is applied to the Tetragrammaton frequently as being the name of all names, and therefore ShKKH is taken as concealing Tetragrammaton.

155:2 Compare the precept in the Smaragdine tablet of Hermes Trismegistus: "That which is below is like that which is above, and that which is above is like that which is below, for the performance of the miracles of the one substance." This is the fundamental principle of all the ancient mystic doctrines, whether qabalistical, mythological, alchemical, or magical; and in this formula all are contained. As is God, so is the universe: as is the Creator the Supernal Man, so is the created the inferior man; as Macrocosm, so Microcosm; as eternity, so life!



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