The Kabbalah Unveiled

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The Kabbalah Unveiled

By S.L. Macgregor Mathers

Concerning the Fourth Part of the Beard of Macroprosopus

378. THE hair is disposed in the fourth conformation, and it descendeth beneath the mouth from the one side even unto the other side.

379. That is intimated (in the saying of Micah) in these words: "Of the remnant of his heritage:" LShAIRITh NChLThV, Lishairith Nachalatho.

380. Like as it is said in 2 Kings xix. 4: "And thou shalt lift up thy prayer for the remnant that is left." Where every part that is found truly remaining is called the remnant.

381. For it is written, Zeph. iii. 13: "The remnant of Israel, ShARITh IShRAL, Sharith Israel, shall not do iniquity."



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