The Kabbalah Unveiled

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The Kabbalah Unveiled

By S.L. Macgregor Mathers

Concerning the Tenth and Eleventh Part of the Beard of Macroprosopus

442. THE tenth conformation. The hairs descend beneath the beard, and cover the throat beneath the beard. "Arise, Rabbi Yehuda."

443. Rabbi Yehuda arose, and commenced, and said, Isa. ii. 19: "'And they shall enter into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, from the countenance of the terror of the Lord of Hosts, and from the glory of His Majesty, when he shall arise to shake terribly the earth.'

444. "'From the countenance of the Terror 1 of the Lord.' It is to be carefully noted that that which is exterior is called the Terror of Tetragrammaton.

445. "'And from the Glory of His Majesty.' These are the hairs beneath the beard, and they are called the Glory of His Majesty.

446. "(But) these two (conformations agree with) (§§ 268, 269, ante); the tenth with 'Thou shalt give truth unto Jacob.'

447. "And the eleventh, because one hair is not pre-eminent over another hair, with I mercy unto Abraham."'

163:1 PChD. Pachad, Terror, is a title of the fifth Sephira. Geburah, Strength, to which the divine name of Elohim Gibor, the Elohim of Strength, is referred. It is likewise to be remembered that from this Sephira the Pillar of Justice takes its title, which includes the third, fifth, and eighth Sephiroth; Binah, Geburah, and Hod; Understanding, Strength or Terror, and Splendour. Mars, "the star of the unconquered will," is also referred to this fifth Sephira.



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