The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett - 1925

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The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett - 1925

By A. T. Barker

Letter No. 107

{Ostende, Nov.}

My dearest Mrs. Sinnett,

The Countess is a great "imaginer" and phantasist. A few days or a fortnight ago, she asked me whether I would not like to go for a week to London with her. I said no; then she returned to the charge. I said I would think; finally she asked again yesterday, I told her decidedly that I had neither time, wish, nor money to travel for the "Roi de Prusse." I never knew she wrote to you about this. Of course I will have to go to London and am decided, but in two or three months, when I have matter enough ready and after I find what I need in London in the shape of a flat not higher than 1st floor if I can't get it ground floor. I will either have to hire the furniture or buy and pay it by monthly instalments. I need two rooms for myself and a spare bedroom and kitchen. I have Louisa's husband, a Dane, coming to live with her without wages and promising to do what he can in the house, since she has to support him he being very delicate — simply for board and lodging. Therefore, thanking you dear, for your kind invitation — that plan is not to be thought of. I am too disagreeable a visitor, to impose myself on my friends for more than a couple of days. If you can help me to find a flat at Kensington (old house preferable) and cheap — I would be most thankful. You know my means; I cannot pay more for rent monthly than between 5 and 7£. I could hardly find two furnished rooms for this price a week — therefore I must have a flat.

Now about Mohini. Do not please prevent me doing my duty. I was told to do so, and do it I must under one shape or another. The question is not whether he read this particular paper to one or 20 fellows; but that it expresses the opinion of a group of malcontents such as Arthur, Hartmann and Mohini who excite themselves mutually and are ever talking about the "reforms" and the untheosoph. proceedings at Adyar, to every one who comes in their way. Please read the last number of Path. "What is the Theos. Society" by Hartmann. It is the repetition of half what is found in Mohini's paper. I had asked Mohini to put all he said on paper. But he made it in pamphlet form and evidently intended for publication; and as he sent it to you to be read — and Mr. Sinnett expressed indignation, I was ordered to answer and publish my answer. Now you have changed your ideas? I can't help it — for I have not changed mine. No use bringing Mohini's or Arthur's or even Hartmann's name; but the chief and all their grievances stated in print and MSS. and spread orally among theosophists — must be answered by me, as I have. If you cannot do this and Mr. S. will not, then please return to me both MSS. (Mohini's and mine) and I will see to arrange blending the two and to publish them myself. I repeat to you I must do my duty if others will not. I see the results of neglecting this and thus warning off future danger, through the eyes of Master — you, do not choose to see them only because that danger does not seem immediate. Do as you like — but do not seek to prevent me to do what is my SACRED DUTY. Please send the MSS. back.

What about the 8 pages from S.D. sent by me to Mr. Sinnett. Surely he has read them and either has found therein the spirit of Mr. Crookes' protyle or has not. In either case do let him forward them to me back. Tell him please I fail to understand his allusion to my sarcasms, I never indulged in any. Meanwhile always

Yours devotedly and sincerely,
H. P. Blavatsky.

The Duchess has finally ruined herself by coming out with a French Theosophist — Wants me to write for it!! Wish she may get it.



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