The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett - 1925

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The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett - 1925

By A. T. Barker

Letter No. 124


29th Dec.

Dear Mr. Sinnett,

I feel that I have no right to offer you any advice, but as we all have at heart the welfare of the one and same cause I hope you will not think it interference on my part, or mind my telling you a few thoughts which have come to me since my stay here.

Watching Madame as I do every day writing her S.D. and seeing how thoroughly absorbed she is in her work, it seems to me a sad pity that anything should come to disturb her and I have often asked myself whether it would not be advisable to crush all these slanders against Madame with the supreme contempt of silence. The more one attempts to refute the lies the more fuel one throws on the flames and so the scandal is kept alive. I do in my heart believe that nothing would be so galling to Messrs. Hodgson and Co. as allowing the whole affair to pass without taking any notice of it. You see this very scandal gives them notoriety and brings them into Public notice, they are comparatively an obscure set and if you treat them as such and pay no attention to their accusations, well the thing will be just a nine days wonder and then blow over to make room for something else. You have been very good to Madame for you have been one of the few who have stood forth in her defence, but you see you cannot really make things clear for her, for the Occult laws are not yet known, and therefore I think it is far better to keep silence. No quarrel or discussion can be kept up when there is only one side to do all the talking, it must die out, and we Theosophists have borne so much already I think we can bear this too. Very few people have left the Society on account of this scandal and those who remain are truer than ever. In Germany the whole S.P.R. is very much ridiculed. Madame is now in a philosophical state of mind and says she does not really care what they say of her, she was annoyed about the Spy article for she feared it would prevent her returning to India, but she sees the truth of what is contained in your letter, and she thinks the whole thing had better be allowed to die out of itself.

The L. affair is very provoking coming just now, try and put an end to it as quickly as possible and say to the Secret Committee that you are commissioned by Madame to say to them that if Miss L. has any REAL PROOF that Madame has wrongly slandered her, even though what she said was said privately in a private and confidential letter, still Madame would make her every apology — but the Committee must be fully assured of her (Miss L.'s) innocence first.

You see Madame must have peace of mind to enable her to write this book and it is only by ignoring or crushing scandals that this can be done. Madame sends you much love, she always speaks of you so gratefully and kindly, and she said to me the other evening that you had been a true friend to her and that she had a warm affection for you and Mrs. Sinnett — she said that you, the Gebhards and D. Hubbe are her best European friends. Madame entirely approves of all I have written for I have told her its contents, she is in a calm and peaceful frame of mind and is perfectly happy writing the S.D. May this New Year bring you and yours many blessings and may we at the end of it be able to say that we have been staunch and true and have loved the Cause better than ourselves.

Yrs. very sincerely,
C. Wachtmeister.

P.S. Madame supposes that there will be about 100 printed pages every month in the S.D.



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