The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett - 1925

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The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett - 1925

By A. T. Barker

Letter No. 126


Private and Confidential.
1st January.

Dear Mr. Sinnett,

My note written to you this morning and sent to Franz Gebhard to forward to you, you will probably receive at the same time as this. We have had a terrible day and the Old Lady wanted to start off to London at once. I have kept her as quiet as I could and now she has relieved her feelings in enclosed letter. I repeat what I said this morning, ridicule and contempt are our only weapons for the scandal must be crushed if possible and at any rate we must not feed the fire. If all Theosophists sign a protest treating the whole thing with contempt, in the first place, there can be no reprisal if the document is properly worded and in the second it has the good object of uniting us all more closely together in this time of trouble which is what we need. If we all keep true and firm nothing can really hurt us. The enclosed will show you the immense importance of keeping cool and quiet and crushing the scandal if possible. I need not comment upon the result of such a Presidentship in India as the Sancharacharya — at the head of our whole Society.

As this news was sent from India with the command of the greatest secrecy, Col. O. begs Madame to tell nobody for the present. Her joy was so great however that she told me knowing that I am not one to violate a confidence — and now that you are in this great trouble I have told her that it was only right of her to tell you for I know you are a man the soul of honour, and I believe that this news will be slight comfort to you and help you to tide over the present troubles. Think of the magnitude and the vast proportions and importance the Society will in a few years have all over the world. Don't get downhearted and rest assured that you have the sympathy of all your friends.

Yrs. very sincerely,
C. Wachtmeister.



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