The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett - 1925

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The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett - 1925

By A. T. Barker

Letter No. 138


1st February.

Dear Mr. Sinnett,

Your pamphlet is admirable, written with both verve and spirit, and I think will scatter confusion in the enemy's camp, for ridicule and sarcasm are so easily blended with reproof that I think Hodgson's vanity will be wounded to the quick.

Madame is truly grateful and has sung your praises ever since, she thanks you heartily and will write another day. She has settled down on the first day of the month to the S.D. All January has been lost, next to nothing done, first Selin, then Babajee.

Enclosed is a card from Babajee. You see he writes in a humble spirit, and is repentant, whether sincere or not I do not know. In his last letter he told Madame that the reason he had accused her of trying to obtain money under false pretences, was because she had written to him to sacrifice her and save the Society!!!! I really think he must be mad. Madame says that you must tell the Arundales all, because if they have him to stay with them they should know the truth so as to be on their guard against any further duplicity and also that they should not foster to his vanity too much. I wanted to spare him this humiliation but Madame says it must be. At any rate the Arundales need not tell him they know. Enclosed is a letter from Madame Jelihovsky, not of much use as you see. Solovioff has told her that he has left the Society because it is anti-Christian, so Madame J. writes to Madame B. that no wonder she is tormented, it is all the devil, she entreats her to give up the T.S., and says she will get her a good income if she will only write articles for Russia.

Yours sincerely,
C. W.



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