The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett - 1925

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The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett - 1925

By A. T. Barker

Letter No. 140


Private and Confidential.
7th Febuary.

Dear Mr. Sinnett,

Many thanks for your kind letter of the 4th.

I must write to you another day about the "Eumonia." We are having terrible squalls here these days and at present Madame is strongly against having her Memoirs published during her lifetime. All her family are against it and they worry the very life out of her; they fear so much that her enemies may revive old family scandals and quarrels and that they will have to suffer for it. I tell Madame that you can at any rate write these Memoirs and let her see and correct them, then not publish them until an opportune moment comes either before or after her death; to this she turns a very willing ear but adds "poor Sinnett he would be losing all his time for nothing." Now what say you to this? Your pamphlet was such an excellent one that perhaps it would be as well to rest on that and if possible let the Hodgson affair die out quietly, saying always that you are writing the Memoirs — that they are only delayed etc. etc. During the short time I have been here attacks have been showered down on Madame from all sides. It seems to me incredible how one person can have so many bitter enemies, I suppose it is in a great measure because she lets her tongue run wild wounding people's susceptibilities without meaning it or thinking of the consequences. Certain it is that her Master told her that if she consented to live she would have bitter trials to go through and all would turn against her, but seeing what I see and knowing what I know, I believe there would be positive danger in bringing out her Memoirs this year. I will remain here until the 12th March and then I go to Elberfeld for a few days and then on to Sweden. I return home earlier this year so as to be present at my son's coming of age, he is at the University now.

I wrote a letter to Miss Arundale the other day which I begged her to show you. Do use your best influence to make Babajee sign that paper, it is the least he can do after his cruel accusation of fraud against the Founders. It would be a safeguard in the future in case another fit of insanity came on. Tell him that if he signs that paper I forgive him freely his conduct to me and will do my best to make matters smooth for him everywhere. I only long for peace and quietness but his conduct at Elberfeld was such that I was compelled to act for there was danger to the Society, but I think that he will not easily forget the lesson and will remain subdued and quiet and attend to his own work where certainly he has got a sphere of usefulness before him.

Don't trouble any more about the two D.N.'s — there are two — but there is also a Mystery. Unfortunately my tongue is tied. Probably if all were known Babajee would go mad or commit suicide. D. N. is his mystery name as I suppose it might also be the name of 20 more — that has nothing to do with it. I hate mysteries as much as you do, but I must have patience and you must have patience. Some day you will know all for Madame has told me that at her death all that she has ever received from the Mahatma K. H. will be given to you, so you must please have patience, till then. Babajee is a chela, though not the high one he pretends to be. All chelas have terrible trials to go through and so we must have more patience with them than with common every day people. When you see all the transactions and all the papers, much will be made clear to you and you will realise that it is no easy thing to be a chela. I have learnt much in this short space of time in Wurzburg — and my reverence for the Masters is increased in seeing how tolerant and charitable they are in all their dealings. Let us go on having patience to the end, for the Society must and will flourish eventually.

I do hope you will succeed in letting your house. Absence for a few months from London after all these worries and troubles will do both you and Mrs. Sinnett good.

Ever yr. sincerely,
C. Wachtmeister.

P.S. Madame has just given me her letter to you to read. Smooth down things between her and Mohini if possible. I suppose he sent her letter to Paris in self defence, it was foolish, but try and avoid more rows. Don't be alarmed at her letter, all will go well in the end I hope. I do my best to keep the peace.



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