The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett - 1925

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The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett - 1925

By A. T. Barker

Letter No. 146


9th March.

Dear Mr. Sinnett,

You know by this time that I have decided to stay here until the 28th so all is safe until then. The Old Lady has her apartment until the 15th April. After that my advice is that she should not stay here on this account. A Sanskrit Professor here has received unfavourable intelligence from some Indians concerning her; this Professor is a friend of Selin's and together they might play her some dirty trick were she left alone. For a short time nobody will know that I am gone as I will keep my departure secret. My proposal to Madame is, that she should come to Sweden on the 15th April and stay with me for two months; by that time you will have let your house probably and then your scheme can come into play. Madame's objections to my plan are these — the cold and the fear that she will get me into trouble with my relations. My reply is — (1) double windows and Swedish stoves would keep her rooms as warm as they are here — and with heated railway carriages and steamers the journey could be got over in tolerable comfort — (2) Until the 15th June I shall be quite alone as my son remains at the University and then has to serve his military fortnight before he comes home.

Madame's mind however seems to be set on Ostend and certainly if Mrs. Sinnett remains with her the plan is a very good one, but I tell you honestly I do dread her being left alone, she must always vent her feelings in letter writing and though since I have been here she has written much that I would have given anything to throw behind the fire — I have saved her again and again from these indiscretions. Only yesterday she wanted to write to "Redway" and give him a piece of her mind about the "Coulomb pamphlet" — you see the danger — and so now knowing exactly how the position stands make the best of it. In her heart she prefers the Ostend scheme and in Sweden she certainly would be very dull. I think she craves for a little change both of scene and society. Do not tell the chelas or Miss A. all this please, keep it to yourself.

How thankful I shall be when a better time comes to us — but out of evil good always comes — and this winter has taught us patience and perhaps also a truer knowledge of self.

My love to Mrs. Sinnett.

Ever yours sincerely,
C. Wachtmeister.



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