The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett - 1925

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The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett - 1925

By A. T. Barker

Letter No. 149

19th March.

Dear Mr. Sinnett,

The news I am about to give you will I hope relieve your mind of a slight portion of its burden. I stay on with the "Old Lady." My son writes to me that the Sound is frozen and so much snow in the country that he fears that "Mary Hill" will be too cold for me as the house has not been heated — during the winter. He, therefore, advises me not to come to Sweden, particularly as he is now very busy with an examination, so much so, that he will not have time for any rejoicings on his coming of age, as he is studying from morning to night. This being the case I have decided on deferring my return to Sweden until the month of May, therefore between this and then much may happen and things may be looking brighter than they are now. Perhaps your house will be let and then it will be less difficult for Mrs. Sinnett to leave London.

At any rate let us look on the bright side of things because that is our only way to keep up our courage and you know we are determined in our own minds that the Theosophical Society shall survive these troubles at any cost, it is the only way to prove to our enemies that we are sure of our ground and have not been taken in and are no fools as they delight in calling us, but that we have a steady purpose in life and that no persecutions or trials will swerve us from our course. It is the only way in which we can show our gratitude to our revered Masters for all they have taught us. One of the first lessons taught to us when we became theosophists was, that if we became workers in the Cause we must go through severe trials. Well! here they are! and let us be bold and face them, let us all will that we will surmount and vanquish them and we shall surely do so. Could not you get all the working theosophists together and talk to them very seriously, and say to them that now is our hour of trial, and ask each in turn whether he really feels true to the "Masters," and if they all answer "yes"! ask them why it is then that they do not all work together in unity and concord. Speak to them really very solemnly, appeal to their higher natures, and ask them whether they will not then and there take a vow to drop all personal feelings and work with one will to the restoration of amity and peace in the Society; then lay all the difficulties plainly before them, make one and each of them give their views on the subject and then amongst you all try and decide what is best to be done and tell them that if they only overcome within themselves the very natural feelings of apathy and despondency, that then half the battle is won already. I quite agree with you that lectures at the present moment are useless, it is better to try and get hold of people privately, but do not let the workers drop their work or you will find a great difficulty in making them take to it again.

There is something so inexpressibly comforting in the thought that the Masters are watching over us, and as your Master has said to me that every individual act to help the cause is noted and recorded, so you may feel sure that every effort on your part meets with His approval and that you will surely some day get your reward.

I quite agree with you in wishing that the chelas were back in India, but until the poor old lady dies and Miss Arundale is free to march off with her three chelas in her rear, I fear we shall not get rid of them and all the troubles they have brought on us. The only plan is to see if there is not some way of diminishing the evils. In the first place tell me honestly please, is there no possibility for Madame to make a private apology to Miss L. and so induce her to desist in her persecutions, which will go on indefinitely unless something is done.

Had Madame B. at that time known that M. had written her nearly a hundred letters in six months filled with idealistic sentiment she would never have written as she did to Madame M. You see Miss A., Babajee, and Mohini himself had given such very different colouring to the whole affair, that only judging from appearances she wrote what she thought was true, and Babajee entirely approved of it. I had only just arrived here at the time and looked upon the whole thing in a very different light to what I do now — I have seen the letter which Mohini wrote to her after the disgusting scene in the wood, and that is sufficient to show that at any rate it did not disgust him.

Think it all over in your own mind and see if no compromise could possibly be made. I would willingly go to Paris and try and bring Madame de Morsier to her senses. I would even go to Miss L. if I thought any good to the Cause and Society could come of it. Letters are dangerous and compromising but a personal interview might perhaps bring about satisfactory results. I have been told in a round about way, that she says she would be satisfied if Mohini returned to India — and if Madame made her an apology — for those words — both things reasonable in themselves if the matter could be so arranged. If you can see any possible outlet to this difficulty and that I can help you in it let me know.

Let us decide that all our personal feelings shall go to the wall if only we can put an end to all this gossip and these persecutions.

Madame Blavatsky sends you her love, she seems pleased to keep me here, and we must make the best of our monotonous life here and hope that the future will bring us happier and more peaceful times.

Ever yours sincerely,
C. Wachtmeister.

P.S. Apathy is like the measles very catching! Motion and energy are the only really vivifying forces.

You want to see the "Master's hand." I can see it in the unexpected circumstances which have enabled me to remain here where I was so sorely needed. It was the same force which brought me here to Wurzburg. Though I had made other and pleasanter projects I felt this invisible force draw me here and I told Mme. Gebhard that I knew I must come, and with tears in my eyes told her I also felt and foresaw all the troubles and trials which were coming down so thickly on me. I felt them like a heavy dark cloud overshadowing me. This same invisible force drew me to London in '84 — where I met Mme. Blavatsky for the first time. I left Sweden most unexpectedly, at one day's notice, the opportunity arrived in an unforeseen manner. I knew then, as I know now that it was the Master's hand, though it was only three months later that I knew why I was brought to London. I have perfect confidence in my Master and I know that when ever He wants my services the way will be cleared for me.

Mme. B. wants me to go to London for a few days, she is afraid that the chelas will split up the L.L. into two factions, I think myself that my presence would only make matters worse. What say you? tell the truth!

P.S. Do not tell the Chela party that I stay on here, they have deserted Madame in her hour of need, and so they may remain in ignorance.



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