The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett - 1925

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The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett - 1925

By A. T. Barker

Letter No. 180


January 27th.

Mr dear Mr. Sinnett,

No wonder you were surprised at my idiotic letter, and not accustomed to see me come out in my new character of weather-cock. I will now make a clean breast of it and tell you how it all happened. A few weeks ago when the Countess sent me the paper on her experiences of phenomena, she begged and prayed by all that I held sacred to write to you and tell you all the phenomena I had had, "it was my duty, if it came from me it would have more weight, every one must add their little mite and do what they could so as to save the Cause" . . . . . . . . . . So I sat down and like a good child did as I was bid, thinking at the same time if Mr. Sinnett wants any of the phenomena which he knows already I have gone through, he will write and ask me to give him, when he thinks it necessary to have it. Well, I sent you my letter and the Countess' document, and thought I had done my duty. But I made a mistake and find now I have not done it. The Countess came here last Friday and returned to Wurzburg on Monday last, that is to say I hope she has arrived safe for I have not had a line from her so far up to the present. When the Countess was here she said on thinking over the matter she was very much averse to Mr. Sinnett's putting her paper on the phenomena she had experienced into print; the more she thought on the subject the less she liked the idea then she said no it must not be, take everything into consideration I cannot do it, it won't do to have my name before the public on account of my son, my family, my friends, I cannot allow it. You surely would not like to see your name in Madame's Memoirs. I don't think you ought to allow it. . . . . . Please write to Mr. Sinnett and say so. Well two or three times a day this went on. "Have you written to Mr. Sinnett, will you write to Mr. Sinnett, when will you write to Mr. Sinnett, now please to write, have you written to Mr. Sinnett?" So I sit down and write to Mr. Sinnett, saying all the time to myself how can you make such a fool of yourself to write such stuff, and still I did write it and what is more sent you the letter. Now after this long tirade you will surely have found out the key to the weak side of my nature. Tease me, and I give in at once. My will power is gone. I cannot stand it. To get rid of being bothered I will do anything you like. Now that I have let out this grand secret please don't be hard on me and put me to the test.

As far as my phenomena go you are perfectly welcome to use it in whatever way you may think fit in or out of print. I have perfect confidence in your discretion.

The enclosed is from H. P. B. telling how all the phenomena occurred. It is in answer to a letter of the Countess written while here to O. L. saying we did not believe in all the letters coming from the Masters and other phenomena, and if she could refute the charges. Send the letter back to Wurzburg to the Countess when you have read it. You must use your own discretion as to whom you had better show the letter to start. It was Babaji who saved the German T.S. from destruction. And when Hubbe came here it was with the determination of not continuing to be President any more though he would remain as a member, but that Du Pul and Max would leave. Babaji talked so quietly and sensibly to Dr. H. he quite came round and I suppose he has talked Du Put and Max over, as we have not heard anything since about these gentlemen leaving. Hubbe was quite enchanted with Babaji, but I can't say the same with regard to Madame.

We have another letter from Herr Von Hoffmann asking us for more papers on Philosophy from Babaji as he is so intensely interested in them. — Madame is wild against Babaji. There is no name bad enough for him. Traitor is the mildest, and all because he wants her to give up all this phenomena business and desecration of Master's name in personal matters. He has written her a few letters on the subject perhaps in rather too strong terms, and that is all his crime. We find Babaji is very sensible in his views and he has a good deal of practical common-sense that we certainly never expected him to have.

My best love to dear Mrs. Sinnett, love to Denny, and ever yours affectly.,
M. Gebhard.

Do me a great favour and keep this letter quite private between Mrs. Sinnett and yourself. Take care what you write to Madame. The Countess sees all her letters and she reads all the Countess'.



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