The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett - 1925

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The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett - 1925

By A. T. Barker

Letter No. 35

46, Rue Notre Dame des Champs,
April 27.

My dear Mrs. Sinnett,

Yours — all right. Please convey my tenderest regards to A. P. Sinnett, Esq., your "worst" half, and tell him that 1st I am strictly forbidden by both Masters to serve henceforth as a postman. I wrote him to this effect from Adyar; and 2nd: Had I even a desire to disobey, I could not do so, since his letter to me — as Mrs. Gebhard knows — was tenantless of any other letter either to Mahatma K. H. or Mah. Morya — my Boss (and now his bit of a letter is also gone, and I can't find it to quote his words). This shows that probably my Boss was at his tricks again, for which I am mighty glad. Please no more letters through ME. Let me pass away in peace and inner beatitude. I have written to Mr. Sinnett a letter before this one; in answer to his in which he urges me, virtually to go against the order of my Master. Funny that he should not realise that when my Master orders — I have but to obey, regardless of every consequence. Nor has he shown himself very polite or anxious to do what Master asked him to do, since what he was expected to do in all friendliness, was not to advise me to do that or the other with regard to the Secret Doctrine — which he dashed — but simply to help. Well when he saw he could not do it why not say so, but go on writing 4 pages against Master's orders. I wrote to him perhaps a too harsh letter, for which I beg his pardon but I could not help it. He knows me and that I am neither one to conceal my feelings, nor to show that exquisite politeness and hypocrisy in personal dealings for which you of the West are so famous for, and that you are made to begin practising from your nurseries and teens.

The "Spook" business at Eglinton's does not astonish me, for I have my serious doubts whether it was his Elementals or "spooks" alone connected with that business. That it was neither of the two Masters' chelas is sure. They would not be permitted to show spite or fling reproaches at no one, least of all to take part in public mediumistic performances. But there are other chelas of other Masters — "greasy Tibetans" pur sang — I know some of these gentlemen, to be fine fleur of future adeptship or — of signal failure as many of them may experience. And I know, that they love your "Western Metaphysicians" still less than they do Orthodox Brahmins. It is they who tried to go against the Phoenix — and their Masters too, for the matter of that, who are pure blooded Mongolian Buddhists. And it is they who call your Lord and Master "the three eyed Peling" and would call him worse, were they not afraid of Mahatma K. H. and my Boss. They are chelas after all, and there is much of the mortal man in them yet. What is it of so "admirable" that they said? Why don't you write all. If it is they whom I am thinking of — they are great friends with the native Peruvian, Mexican and Red Indian Adepts and chelas. Par consequence — with Ski (Mrs. Billing's protector — whether the adept or the spook he uses as his proxy). Djual Khool won't tell me of course, or I would ask. But do tell [me] what he, or they wrote.

The seal is lovely. Please order it to be stricken on note and letter paper thick and thin, and of various sizes very large or very small and on the envelopes. I want to take home with me of such paper for two or three guineas. Tell me what I have to pay and I will send you immediately the money. My foolscap has probably remained in your hall where Arthur left it, for badly as I need it I have not yet received it. Poor Miss Arundale took the trouble of buying it for me and you do not send it. Oh ye, of little faith!

The L.L. evenement and row is becoming "monotonous." Boss frowns at it considerable. Let me tell you so. He says that whereas it was all at first on Mrs. K.'s Karma now all of you try to share it and disburden her of the heaviest part. Olcott has been guilty of some flapdoodle. Master says they (Gurudeva K. H., nor he) never meant to lead any of the Societies by the hand or tied to their apron strings. You know the rules and laws and bye laws — act up to them. Now that the "Hermetic" has burst, the Chohan will be down upon you, and upon Olcott the first one, who is too weak says Master. "Why should not they use their own judgment" remarked last night Dj. Khool. Rather than be men they are like children fighting and seeking to make even of Mohini their prop and protection. Well Mohini cannot stop much longer with you. He has to come here with the Colonel and be in Paris toward the 7th or 9th, I hear. They have a tremendous large conference at the Geographical Hall prepared for Olcott here for the day he may appoint, not later than the 15th and Mohini is wanted badly here as and more badly than you need him in London. Why you have the boy with you for over three weeks now, and had time to learn the whole Rig Veda by heart by this time. Why did you not utilise him? You let him go flapdoodling about and losing his time. His Master wanted him to go to the British Museum and frequent libraries, and even go to Oxford. And there he is catching the dogs by the tail in the streets of London instead of utilising his time with profit. Besides though he does not say a word like a true Hindoo and Chela, he yet dislikes Massey as much as Mrs. K. and M. for insulting his Master as Massey has. Massey becomes insufferably idiotic. Now I have said the word. Judge tells me today that he received two letters from him speaking of Mahatma K. H. as though he were a pick-pocket, and expressing suspicion that I had read some of his letters, which, says Judge, I have never laid my eyes upon. He is unfit for the London Lodge your C.C.M not on account of what he thinks of me for I do not care a snap of my finger NOW what he may say and think, however much it hurt me before — but because of his attitude to the Masters. I can never forgive him that, and he may be told so right away, for all I care for him. A poor, weak, vacillating, ever doubting ninny he is now — judging of human nature and its weaknesses by his own weak sugar-and-castor-oil nature. He disgusts me, and Master says this very moment: "Tell her they can have Olcott and Mohini for the 7th but both have to be here before the 11th, and better advise her as a friendly caution from me, not to pass from one room — with the fire place blazing — into another room cold and damp. She would do well to get out of London during May, June, and July. In August she is safe." Now, it's just what He had told me before. Take care of your health for mercy's sake! When Mme. Gebh. was telling me how sorry she was you had not gone with her, Master's bell came and said Mme. Gebh. was right. It would have done you good.

Now good bye. From July 1, I am at your service of the Londoners. Before then it seems impracticable.

Yours ever truly and sincerely — for indeed I love you.
H. P. Blavatsky.

Love to Messrs. Finch, Hood, Wade, etc. etc.



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