The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett - 1925

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The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett - 1925

By A. T. Barker

Letter No. 47

{August 28}

6, Ludwig StRASSE,

Your letter from Elberfeld requires more than a postal card and a short telegram. Have you received both, or one, or none? For, if not dugpas, then there seems to be fatality all round me, which interferes with letters, knocks every one off his feet and plays generally the deuce with those who have not yet quite turned away from me.

Last week I had written to you a letter of 24 or more pages. There was important information in it. On Thursday, Aug. 20 I received a letter from Mrs. Sinnett, written — Grand Hotel, Brussels, in which she tells me — it is before me — that if I answer her immediately the letter will find her at Antwerp where you will stop at Grand Hotel until Saturday. As my letter was ready I sent it off without delay addressed A. P. Sinnett, Esq., Grand Hotel, Antwerp (Belgique). You ought to have received it on the following day. Where is it? No wonder you should feel surprised at my not answering you "a line or two," when all my letters get lost! Why, Solovioff went with Darbagiri N. to the post office when it was taken.

I do not see why my aunt should delay your coming. She sleeps during the day and talks with me all night. You shall play at the Sun and Moon with her as everybody else and she may be useful to you in some things. The same with Solovioff. He wrote a long letter to Myers and sent in his resignation to the S.P.R. as every man who is given by them the choice of confessing himself either a hallucinated fool or a confederate should do. There are two more Russians who will resign, I hear, from that scientific body. Now Myers writes a long letter to Solovioff begging of him not to resign and asking him whether he still maintains that he saw Master at Elberfeld, Miss Glinka ditto and others idem. Solovioff answers he does and insists upon his resignation and having his letter of protest published. I tell you what Mr. Sinnett. You may say what you please but your Cambridge Dons do not act as honest people should. When I see you I shall explain much more and Solovioff has to tell you a good deal. I cannot go over the 24 pages of my letter to you again. I hope you shall get it and then you will know. Thanks for Karma; opinion of it expressed in the same letter. Rugmer's Hotel is near by, and very cheap and food good. The Solovioffs are there. They will remain with me for a month longer. We see each other very little though for we have both of us work to do.

Much love to Mrs. Sinnett.
Yours truly and forever,
H. P. B.



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