The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett - 1925

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The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett - 1925

By A. T. Barker

Letter No. 65A

31st July, '85.

My dear and revered Madame,

We have to thank you very much for the Samovar which you were kind enough to bring for us from Europe. Our Respected President has already forwarded it to us and we have kept it as a table ornament thinking it too sacred for use.

Of course you must have heard through the Hdqrs., about the deaths of Mirzan Moorad Ally and our brother Daji Raj, the Thakore Saheb of Wadhinan. We all are sorry for the latter, as he was too young to die and though perverse at times was yet a Theosophist. Our revered Madame, you also know that through the blessings of Those whom we revere and worship my wife got a son on the 27th of last November. We all rejoiced at the event but when Guru Deva K. H. wrote to me the following lines about him — "Since you rejoice so over the birth of a son of your hopes that is sent to you, you may on his behalf if you choose subscribe towards a temple of Universal Brotherhood," x x and again "One day you may be able to bring to us also your son" — our joy was really boundless. We imagined he was in his former birth some great personage and looked upon him with great concern mingled no doubt with respect. We had no idea that his life was to be so short and would thereby my wife's life be rendered more wretched than ever; as before the birth of our son she was at ease, happy and contented with her lot. Would it that he was not sent to us. We who have not attained the heights of Aparokshagnamam cannot in this Ashram understand the intricate webs woven by the laws of inexorable Karma.

Somehow or other our Branch seems very unlucky in its Presidents. The first died in insanity, the second by consumption, whilst I myself the third am now suffering the loss of an only son.

We, who are staunchly devoted to Them, had no idea that such a calamity was in our lot. We thought we all were under Their protection. He was sure to die sooner or later. But we feel that we have not yet been fully worthy of Their protection. Our Karma!

We intend building a villa at Headquarters and passing the remainder of our lives in the service of the Theos. Society. Of course, we are not going to sell our villages at present. In this we follow the advice of our Blessed Master K. H. A word from you will be a great consolation to us both as it will afford soothing balm to our wounds.

Hoping you are in an excellent health,
I remain, Revered Madame
Yours ever devotedly
(Signed) Hurreesinghjee Roopsinghjee
(True Copy) Babajee



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