The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett - 1925

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The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett - 1925

By A. T. Barker

Letter No. 73

{Wurzburg, Jan.}

Mr dear Mr. Sinnett,

Your draft for Times is excellent. I was ready to copy and send it — when suddenly a horrible idea flashed through my mind. Now, however great the scandal — it does reach only those interested in the phenomena. Suppose my letter is printed in The Times (why I doubt it I cannot say, but I do). Called in it base and accused of ungentlemanly behaviour, all the S.P.R. will pounce upon me and Replies with further slander and calumnies will pour upon me in The Times. Everyone will have a word to say. The Times are universally read — therefore the new slanders or maintaining of the old ones will be given still further publicity. What shall I do then? The Times will refuse printing lengthy replies to all and then I will be again worsted and then indeed publicly dishonoured. Think of it and telegraph Yes or No; or only in the case you do want me still to send it to The Times. My idea was to print the Protest and circulate it widely among Theosophists and Spiritualists and especially in India to make them feel how unfairly I have been dealt with. Please consult about it and reply. My heart turns against The Times as something very dangerous for me. Who am I, poor unfortunate old Russian — helpless and defenceless, and see the power they are. It is only you who can fight them with impunity. I care not for the world's opinion in general. But I care a good deal about the opinion of those who know me. This protest might be even more strongly written, if it goes only in the Theosophist and is circulated among those who read the Report. Do as you like. You know best and I put myself entirely into your hands,

Yours ever gratefully,
H. P. Blavatsky.

Mr dear Mr. Sinnett, [This communication in the handwriting of Countess W. has been added to H. P. B.'s letter. — Ed.]

I think your letter an excellent one, but I tremble at the thought of putting it in The Times. In the first place it will circulate the existence of these slanders and calumnies all over the world and then will come virulent and bitter replies. Massey, Myers and all of them. However you are an Englishman and know the ways of the world well, so think it all calmly over in your own mind, weigh the results and then give your answer. Were only the spy business concerned it would be excellent. But think of the replies, how they will drag in forged letters etc., how they will call upon her to produce her innocence in a Court of Law — think it well over and then let us know. Madame leaves herself entirely in your hands.

Now about her Memoirs, three things should certainly be omitted in them, first the adopted child as there are many who can bring unpleasant family secrets to light on that point — again Madame's travelling about so much in men's clothes. Is there not a law in England to punish women who do such things. At any rate it would shock English prudery — lastly no mention of the Mahatmas, their names have been already sufficiently desecrated. Let us keep them sacred for the future. The doctor has given me to understand that Madame is still a virgin.

Yrs. truly,
C. W.



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