The Liturgy of Funerary Offerings

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The Liturgy of Funerary Offerings

By E. A. Wallis Budge

From the Pyramid of Unas

1. Osiris, everything which is hateful of Unas hath been carried away for thee;

Here, sprinkle water.

"2. that evil which was spoken in his name Thoth hath advanced and carried it to Osiris. 3. 1 have "brought the evil which was spoken in the name of Unas, and I have placed it in the palm of thy hand for thee.

Recite four times.

"4. The fluid [of life] shall not be destroyed in thee, and thou shalt not be destroyed in it.

"5. Let him that advanceth advance with his KA.

"Horus advanceth with his KA.

"Set advanceth with his KA.

"Thoth advanceth with his KA.

Recite four times, and burn incense.

"Sep advanceth with his KA.

"Osiris advanceth with his KA.

"Khent-maati advanceth with his KA.

"7. Thy Tchet (backbone) shall advance with thy KA.

"Hail, Unas! The arm of thy KA is before thee.

"Hail, Unas! 8. The arm of thy KA is behind thee.

"Hail, Unas! The leg of thy KA is before thee.

"Hail, Unas! 9. The leg of thy KA is behind thee.

"Osiris Unas, I have given unto thee the Eye of Horus, and thy face is filled therewith, and the per" fume of the Eye of Horus is to thee.

"10. This libation is for thee, Osiris, this libation is for thee, O Unas, coming forth

Here pour out a vessel of water in which two grains of incense have been dissolved.

"11. before thy son, coming forth before Horus. I have come and I have brought unto thee the Eye of Horus, that thy heart may be refreshed therewith.

"12. I have brought it under thee, [under] thy sandals, and I have presented unto thee the efflux which cometh forth from thee. 13. There shall be no stoppage to thy heart with it (i.e., whilst it is with thee),

Recite four times.

and there shall be a coming forth to thee [of things, or persons] through the word which is spoken (or, through the voice), and there shall be a coming forth to thee [of things, or persons] through the word which is spoken (or through the voice).


"14. [Cleansing by] SEMMAN! [Cleansing by] SEMMAN!

"Open thy mouth, O Unas,

Here offer five grains of Nekheb incense from the city of Nekheb.

"15. and taste thou the taste thereof in the halls of the god. An emission of Horus is SEMMAN, 16. an emission of Set is SEMMAN, the stablisher of the heart of the two Horus-gods is SEMMAN.

Recite four times.

"17. Thou art cleansed with hesmen (natron), and art like unto the Sheshu (or, Shemsu)-Heru (i.e., the Followers of Horus).

"18. Thou art purified with natron, and Horus is purified with natron.

"Thou art purified with natron, and Set is purified with natron.

Here offer five grains of natron of the North from Shet-pet.

"19. Thou art purified with natron, and Thoth is purified with natron.

"Thou art purified with natron, and Sep is purified with natron.

"Thou art purified with natron, and thou art stablished

20. among them.

"Thy mouth is the mouth of a sucking calf on the day of his birth.

"21. Thou art purified with natron, and Horus is purified with natron.

"Thou art purified with natron, and Set is purified with natron.

"Thou art purified with natron,

Here offer one grain of natron.

"22. and Thoth is purified with natron.

Thou art purified with natron, and Sep is purified with natron.

"Thou art purified with natron, and thy KA is purified with natron.

"23. Thou art purified with natron.

"Thou art purified with natron.

"Thou art purified with natron.

"Thou art purified with natron,

"O thou who art stablished among 24. thy brethren the gods.

"Thy head is purified for thee with natron, and thy bones have been thoroughly cleansed for thee, 25. and thou art filled with that which belongeth to thee. Osiris, I have given unto thee the Eye of Horus, and thy face is filled therewith, and [it spreadeth abroad] its odour.

"26. O Unas, thy two jaw-bones which were separated have been established.

[Here present] the Pesesh-kef.

"27. O Unas, the two gods have opened for thee thy mouth.

[Here present] two instruments of iron, one of the North and one of the South.

"28. [O] Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, and with it the god passeth; I have brought it unto thee, place thou it in thy mouth.

[Here offer] cheese (?) of the South, and cheese (?) of the North.

"29. O Unas, the shaku cakes (?) of Osiris have been presented unto thee, the shaku 30. from the top of the breast of Horus, of his body, hast thou taken to thy mouth, [and that which is] 31.

[Here offer] a vessel of milk.

from the breast of thy sister Isis, the emission of [thy] mother, hast thou taken possession of for thy mouth.

[Here offer] a jug of whey (?).

"32.  1This libation is for thee, Osiris, this libation is for thee, O Unas,

33. Offer clean cold water of the North.

coming forth before thy son, coming forth before Horus. I have come and I have brought unto thee the Eye of Horus, 34. that thy heart may be refreshed therewith. I have brought it under thee, [under] thy sandals, 35. and I have presented unto thee that which hath flowed forth from thee. There shall be no stoppage to thy heart with it (i.e., whilst it is with thee),

36. Recite four times.

and there shall be a coming forth to thee [of things (or, persons)] through the word which is spoken (or, through the voice), and there shall be a coining forth to thee [of things (or, persons)] through the word which is spoken (or, through the voice).


"37. [That which cometh forth] from the two Eyes of Horus, the white and the black, thou hast taken possession of, and when they are in front of thee they illumine thy face.

[Here offer] two jugs, one white and one black.

"38. Ra (i.e., Day) hath made an offering unto thee in the sky. The South and the North have caused an offering to be made unto thee. Kerh (i.e., Night) hath made an offering unto thee. 39. The South and the North have made an offering unto thee. An offering is brought unto thee, an offering thou seest, of an offering 40. thou hearest. There is an offering in front of thee, there is an offering behind thee, there is an offering with thee.

[Here offer] a cake for the journey.

"41. Osiris Unas, the white teeth of Horus are presented unto thee so that they may fill thy mouth.

[Here offer] five bunches of onions.

Recite four times [the words]

"42. Give a royal offering to the KA Of Unas.

"Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, the bread which thou eatest.

[Here offer] the Uten cake.

"43. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee; it hath been snatched from the hand of Set, and thou hast taken possession of it

[Here offer] a white jug of wine [containing] two hathes measures.

"44. for thy mouth, and thou hast opened thy mouth therewith.

"45. Osiris Unas, thy mouth is opened by that which floweth from thee.

[Here offer] a black jug of wine [containing] two hathes measures.

"46. Osiris Unas, there hath been presented unto thee that which hath been pressed out of thee, which hath come forth from thee.

[Here offer] a black vessel [containing] one hent measure of beer.

"47. O Ra, may the worship which thou hast in heaven, and the worship which is to thee of every kind, [be] to Unas; 48. and may everything which is [offered] to thy body be [offered] to the KA of Unas and may everything which is [offered] to his body be thine.

[Here offer] the holy table of offerings.

"49. Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee for thy tasting.

[Here offer] a Tept cake.

"50. The darkness (or, the night) becometh denser and denser.

[Here offer] an Ah cake.

"51. Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee that it may embrace thee.

[Here offer] a breast.

"52. Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, which was snatched from the hand of Set, and was rescued for thee, and thou dost open thy mouth with it.

[Here offer] a white vessel [containing] one hent measure of wine.

"53. Unas, there hath been presented unto thee what hath been pressed out and cometh forth from Osiris.

[Here offer] a black vessel [containing] one hent measure of beer.

"54. Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, which was rescued for thee; there is no iron therein, and it belongeth to thee.

[Here offer] an iron vessel [containing] one hent measure of beer.

"55. Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee that thou mayest be filled therewith. 1

[Here offer] a hetem vessel [containing] one measure of beer.

"56. Osiris Unas, I have filled thine eye for thee with metchet oil.

Recite four times [and offer] Seth heb unguent.

"57. Osiris Unas, there hath been presented unto thee that which hath been pressed out from thy face.

[Here offer] Heken ointment.

"58. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, and [Set] hath been made weak for thee thereby.

[Here offer] a jar of bitumen (or, pitch).

"59. Osiris Unas, the eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee that it may unite itself unto thee.

[Here offer] a jar of Neshnem unguent.

"60. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee that the gods may be brought unto thee thereby.

[Here offer] a jar of Tuatu unguent.

"61. O ye Oils, ye Oils, which are on the forehead of Horus, which are on the forehead of Horus, which are on the forehead of Horus, place ye yourselves on the forehead of this Unas, and make him to smell sweet by means of you.

[Here offer] oil of cedar of the finest quality.

"62. Make ye him to be a khu (or, glorious) through possessing you, and grant ye him to have the mastery over his body [again], and grant ye him openings 63. before his eyes, and let all the KHU (or, Spirits) see him, and let them all hear his name. Behold, 64. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been brought unto thee, for it hath been seized for thee that it may be before thee.

[Here offer] the finest Thehennu oil.

"65. Osiris Unas, I have painted for thee the Eye of Horus with mestem so that there may be health over thy face. Recite four times.

[Here offer] one bag of uatch eye-paint, and one bag of mestemet.

"66. Mayest thou watch in peace. The goddess Taat watcheth in peace. The goddess Tatet watcheth

[Here offer] two swathings.

"67. in peace. The Eye of Horus which is in the city of Tep-[Pe] is in peace. The Eye of Horus which is in the temple-houses of the goddess Net is in peace. 68. Receive thou the milk-[white] and bleached swathings of the goddess Ur-a. Cause ye, O swathings, that the Two Lands may submit to this Unas, even as they 69. bow down before Horus, and make ye the Two Lands to be in awe of Unas even as they are terrified before Set. 70. Tarry ye (or, sit ye) before Unas in his divinity. Open ye his way at the head of the KHU (i.e., Spirits), and let him stand 71. at the head of the KHU. O Anpu-Khenti-Amenti, forwards, forwards, to the Osiris [Unas].

"72. Let him advance! Let him advance with his KA! [as] Horus advanceth with his KA, [as] Set advanceth with his KA,

[Here] burn incense.

"73. [as] Thoth advanceth with his KA, [as] Sep advanceth with his KA, [as] Osiris advanceth with his KA, [as] Khenti-Maati advanceth 74. with his KA, so shall thy backbone advance with thy KA.

"Hail, Unas, the arm of thy KA is before thee.

"75. Hail, Unas, the arm of thy KA is behind thee.

"Hail, Unas, the leg of thy KA is before thee.

"Hail, 76. Unas, the leg of thy KA is behind thee.

"Osiris Unas, I have given unto thee the Eye of Horus, and thy face is filled therewith, 77.

Recite four times.

"and the perfume of the Eye of Horus spreadeth itself (cover thee.

"78. This libation is for thee, Osiris. This libation is for thee, O Unas,

[Here offer] a vessel of water in which two grains of incense have been dissolved.

"79. coming forth before thy son, coming forth before Horus. I have come and I have brought unto thee the Eye of Horus, that thy heart may be refreshed 80. therewith. I have brought it under thee, [under] thy sandals, and I have presented unto thee that which hath flowed forth from thee. There shall be no stoppage to thy heart 81. with it (i.e., whilst it is with thee),

Recite four times.

and there shall be a coming forth of things (or persons) to thee at the [sound of] the voice (or, through the voice).

"82. Thoth returning bringeth it, and he hath come forth with the Eye of Horus,


[Here offer] a table of offerings.

"83. he hath given the Eye of Horus, and he is content therewith.

[Here] one shall enter with the suten hetep.

"84. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, and he is content therewith.

[Here present] suten hetep twice.

"85. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, and he is content therewith.

[Here present] two tables of offerings in the usekh hall.

"86. [Here] say: 'Thou hast made it (i.e., the Eye of Horus) under thee."'

Here shall he (or, they, i.e., the assistants) sit down at the suten pert kheru.

"87. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, and it hath been made to approach thy mouth for thee.

[Here present] a cake and a bread-cake.

"88. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, protecting . . . . . .

[Here offer] one Tut cake.

"89. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, which was chained up by him [Set].

[Here offer] a Rethu cake.

"90. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, the little one which Set hath eaten.

[Here offer] a vessel of Tchesert drink.

"91. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, which hath been smitten, for thy mouth.

[Here offer] a vessel of Khenem beer.

"92. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, it hath been lifted up for thee to thy face,

[Here] lift up a cake and a vessel of drink.

"93. Osiris lifting up thy face. Lift up thy face, O thou Unas, may thy soul advance!

"94. Lift up thy face, Unas, [and look] afar off, and fix thy gaze intently on that which cometh forth from thee. 95. That which is corrupt in thee hath been washed away, Unas, and is opened for thee thy mouth by the Eye of Horus. 96. Let there be praise to thee and to thy KA, Osiris, which hath been cut away for thee from the hand of him that doeth violence 97. to the dead. Unas, thou hast received these thy bread-cakes which are from the Eye of Horus.

"98. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, [that is to say] that which hath been mixed for thee by it, 99. so that thou mayest be filled with that which hath been pressed out and hath come forth from thee.

Recite four times.

Here offer a Shebu cake and one vessel of drink.

"100. Osiris Unas, the sut joint of meat hath been presented to thee [as] the Eye of Horus.

[Here offer] one sut joint. 1

"101. Osiris Unas, the water which is in them hath been offered unto thee.

[Here offer] two vases of water.

"102. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been offered unto thee that it may purify thy mouth.

[Here offer] two vessels of cakes of Bet incense.

"103. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, and it hath been offered unto thee for thy mouth.

[Here offer] a Tua cake and a Shens cake.

"104. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee which struck down Set.

[Here offer] two Tut cakes.

"105. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, which was put under restraint by him [i.e., Set].

[Here offer] a Rethu cake.

"106. Osiris Unas, [the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee] that thou mayest seize it for thy face.

[Here offer] two Heth cakes.

"107. Osiris Unas, [the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee], and there hath been brought unto thee . . . that which is for thy face.

[Here offer] two Nehra cakes.

"108. Osiris Unas, [the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee], and hath been given to thine eye for thee to taste.

[Here offer] four Tept cakes.

"109. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, the glorious one; [these cakes] were baked thereby.

[Here offer] four Peten cakes.

"110. Osiris Unas, thou hast received thy head.

Recite four times, [and offer] four Shes cakes.

"111. Osiris Unas, thine Eye hath been presented that thou mayest take possession of it.

Recite four times, [and offer] four Am-ta cakes.

"112. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, which hath been made in the form of fish-scales for thee.

[Here offer] four Khenfu cakes.

"113. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee that it may well up [before thee].

[Here offer] four vessels full of Hebennet cakes.

"114. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, which was put in restraint by him [i.e., by Set].

[Here offer] four cakes of fine white flour.

"115. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been seized and placed for thee in thy mouth.

[Here offer] four Atet cakes.

"116. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee; [it is] thy cake which thou eatest.

[Here offer] four Pat cakes.

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"117. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, which was put under restraint by him [i.e., by Set].

[Here offer] four Asht cakes [i.e., baked cakes].

"118. Osiris Unas, his teeth (i.e., the teeth of Horus), which are white and health-giving, have been brought unto thee.

[Here offer] four bunches of onions.

"119. Osiris Unas, accept(?) the haunch [as] the Eye of Horus.

[Here offer] one haunch of beef.

"120. Osiris Unas, the marked piece of the flesh and bone from which Seb cuts not off the aau joint.

[Here offer] an aau joint.

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"121. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee that it may embrace thee.

[Here offer] the breast of the animal.

"122. Osiris Unas, the Sut joint hath been presented unto thee as the Eye of Horus.

[Here offer] the Sut joint.

"123. Osiris Unas, the enemies have been presented unto thee.

Recite four times, [and offer] two ribs of beef.

"124. Osiris Unas, the things which are thine have been offered to thee.

Recite four times, [and offer] roasted flesh.

"125. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee that thou mayest journey with it.

[Here offer] a liver.

"126. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee that thou mayest go with it.

[Here offer] a Nenshem joint.

"127. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee in the form of his fore-quarter [i.e., the fore-quarter of Set].

[Here offer] a Ha joint.

"128. Osiris Unas, accept (?) the Eye of Horus which is in the form of the fore-quarter of Set.

[Here offer] a vessel filled with cuttings of meat from the fore-quarter.

"129. Osiris Unas, the heads of the followers of Set have been presented unto thee [in the form of this] goose (sera).

[Here offer] a Re goose.

"130. Osiris Unas, hath been presented unto thee this [goose] according to thy heart's desire.

Recite four times, [and offer] a Therp goose.

"131. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, and it is carried unto thee.

[Here offer] a Set goose.

"132. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee [in the form of] the things which come for thee.

[Here offer] a Ser goose.

"133. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, the glorious one, the dove which is thine.

[Here offer] a Ment bird.

"134. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, which was put under restraint by him [i.e., by Set].

[Here offer] one Saf cake.

"135. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, and it shall not be cut off from thee.

[Here offer] two Shat cakes.

"136. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been reckoned up [and presented] unto thee.

[Here offer] two baskets of Nepat grain.

"137. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been seized(?), and the water which is in it hath been made to be with thee.

[Here offer] two vessels of Mest grain.

"138. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, the little one which Set hath eaten.

[Here offer] two vessels of Tchesert drink.

"139. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, to which one cometh to . . . what is in it.

[Here offer] two vessels of Tchesert drink.

"140. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, and the fire of wrath rageth in him against thee.

[Here offer] two vessels of Khenemes drink.

"141. Osiris Unas, thou art filled with that which hath been pressed out and hath come forth from thee.

[Here offer] two vessels of Heqt beer.

"142. Osiris Unas, thou art filled with that which hath been pressed out and hath come forth from thee.

[Here offer] two vessels of Sekhpet grain.

"143. Osiris Unas, thou art filled with that which hath been pressed out and hath come forth from thee.

[Here offer] two vessels of Pekh grain.

"144. Osiris Unas, thou art filled with that which hath been pressed out and hath come forth from thee.

[Here offer] two vessels of Heqt beer.

"145. Osiris Unas, the breast of Horus hath been presented unto thee, and they [the gods] partake [of it with thee].

[Here offer] two baskets of figs.

"146. Osiris Unas, thy mouth hath been opened with it.

[Here offer] two vessels of wine of the North.

"147. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, was vomited [by Set] the glorious one which he devoured.

[Here offer] two vessels of white wine.

"148. Osiris Unas, the pupil of the eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, and thy mouth hath been opened thereby.

[Here offer] two vessels of Amt (?) wine.

"149. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, it was snared in a net, and thy mouth hath been opened thereby.

[Here offer] two vessels of Hetem wine.

"150. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, it hath no fellow, and it is to thee.

[Here offer] two vessels of Senu wine.

"151. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, and it hath overthrown [the companions of Set].

[Here offer] two vessels of Hebnent wine.

"152. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, which hath been made in the form of these scale-shaped cakes for thee.

[Here offer] two vessels of Khenfu cakes.

"153. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, which hath been snatched out of the hand of Set.

[Here offer] two vessels of Ashet fruit.

"154. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, the White One, the glorious one, and it shall serve for thy good.

[Here offer] two vessels of White Seshet grain.

"155. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, the Green One, the glorious one, and it shall serve for thy food.

[Here offer] two vessels of Green Seshet grain.

"156. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, the glorious one, which shall turn back [thy foes].

[Here offer] two vessels of roasted grain.

"157. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, the glorious one, which shall turn back [thy foes].

[Here offer] two vessels of roasted grain.

"158. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, behold it is of Baba (?).

[Here offer] two vessels of Babat fruit.

"159. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, which burned with fire against them (i.e., the fiends of Set).

[Here offer] two vessels of Nebes fruit.

"160. Osiris Unas, thine eyes have been made to open, and thou seest with them.

[Here offer] two vessels of Tenbes cakes.

"161. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, the glorious one who was in his throat (?).

[Here offer] two vessels of Hua grain.

"162. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, the sweetness of which followeth thee (?).

[Here offer] two vessels of things of sweetness of all kinds.

"163. Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, and thou hast had experience thereof.

[Here offer] two baskets of spring products (i.e., fruit, flowers, vegetables).

"164. Osiris Unas, thou hast swallowed the things which belong to thee."

[Here offer] gifts of all kinds.

The following section is taken from the text of, Pepi II. Nefer-ka-Ra (Maspero, Pyramides, pl. v.).

(Eight pages of hieroglyphics omitted--JBH).

After line 9 the text of Pepi II. has:--

"339. Horus who is there. Osiris Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, 340. [it is] before thee, accept (?) the Eye of Horus, which is spread abroad in its perfume.

"Osiris Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra, accept (?) the Eye of Horus; 341. thou art filled with the perfume thereof.

"Osiris Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra, Horus hath given unto thee his Eye, 342. and thy face is filled therewith.

"Hail, Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra, I have come and have brought to thee 343. the Eye of Horus, thy face is filled for thee with it, it hath washed thee, the perfume thereof is to thee, the perfume of 344. the Eye of Horus is to this Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra, it giveth to thee thy humours, it protecteth thee from 345. the flood of the hand of Set.

"Hail, thou Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra, thou hast swallowed the Eye of Horus, there is strength before thee. 346. By the strong Eye of Horus thou art made strong.

"O thou Osiris Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra, thou art filled with the Eye of Horus in its coming to thee.

"338. O thou Osiris Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra, 339. Horus hath filled thee completely with his Eye."

(One page of hieroglyphics omitted--JBH).

After line 13 the text of Pepi II. has:--

"351. Osiris Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra, this thy libation hath been presented unto thee, and thou art refreshed through Horus in thy name of 'He who cometh forth from the vase of water' (?), 352. and the humours which have come forth from thee have been presented unto thee, and Horus hath caused all the gods to gather themselves together to thee in the place to which thou goest. 353. Horus hath caused the children of Horus to count thee up in the place which thou fillest.

"Osiris Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra, natron hath 354. been presented unto thee, and thou art censed, and Nut hath given thee to be as a god to thine enemy in thy name of 'God.' 355. Horus of the two years hath counted thee up, and thou becomest young in thy name of 'Lake of the year.'"


After line 65 the text of Pepi II. has:--

321. "Horus who is there! Osiris Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee in good health.

"322. Horus who is there! Osiris Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra, I anoint for thee thy face with it, [and it is in good health, even as] 323. when Horus anointed his Eye it was in good health.

"Hail, thou Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra, 324. thou hast anointed thine eyes in thy face and it is in good health, and thou seest with them."


158:1 Sethe omits this paragraph (Die aegyptischen Pyramidentexte, i., p. 30), and passes on to (1. 37).

164:1 After line 55 there follow in the text of Pepi II. seventeen lines containing the names of articles of apparel and the formulae referring to them (see Maspero's text and Sethe, op. cit., pp. 26, 27).

175:1 From the text of Pepi II. we see that at this place several offerings were laid, some on the palm of the left hand of the statue and some on the right, but what they were cannot be said, for the text is mutilated.



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