The Liturgy of Funerary Offerings

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The Liturgy of Funerary Offerings

By E. A. Wallis Budge

The One Hundred and Fourteenth Ceremony

Gifts of every kind, with the formula:--

"Osiris Unas, behold, thou hast swallowed the things which were [intended] for thee."


The Sem priest presenting gifts of every kind.


The following section is taken from the text of Pepi II. Nefer-ka-Ra, and is not found in the ordinary copies of the Liturgy of Funerary Offerings:--

"1. May Seb give a royal offering to Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra!"

"2. I have given unto thee gifts of every kind, and set forth there bread and drink of every kind, which thou lovest and which are good for thee, before the god for ever and for ever."

"3. Osiris Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra, Horus hath come, and he hath made offerings to thee, because thou art his father,

Present Abt grain.

"4. and he maketh thee to return to Seb,

Present two vessels of Besen grain.

"5. and Seb giveth thee thy two eyes that thou mayest rest."

Present one altar.

"6. Osiris Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra, thou art his Double."

Present two Keha cakes.

"7. Accept the two eyes, O great one, Osiris Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra."

Present two Turt cakes.

"8. An offering, on behalf of them!"

Present two tables of offerings in the Usekht hall.

"9. Horus rests on thee, for thou art his father."

Present one bread offering.

"10. Accept the crop of the Eye of Horus, which I have gathered, and Horus hath given unto thee."

Present two vessels of Bat grain.

"11. Accept the crop of the Eye of Horus, which I have gleaned, and Horus hath given unto thee." Present two vessels of Bes grain.

"12. Accept the Eye of Horus, which I have cultivated, and Horus hath given unto thee."

Present two vessels of Aha grain.

"13. Hath been presented unto thee that which hath been pressed out and come forth from Osiris."

Present two jugs of beer.

"14. Osiris Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra, accept the water which was in thee and Horus hath given unto thee."

Present two jugs of Thenem drink.

"15. Osiris Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra, I have presented unto thee the Eye of Horus, and have opened thy mouth with it."

Present two vessels of Wine of the North.

"16. Osiris Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra, accept the Eye of Horus which I have taken for him, which Horus hath given unto thee."

Present two vessels of Uatch Wine.

"17. Accept the Eye of Horus, which welleth up with water, and Horus hath given unto thee."

Present two vessels of Hebent drink.

"18. Accept the Eye of Horus, which I have seized for him and he hath given unto thee."

Present two vessels of Kheri-Khenfu drink (?).

"19. Accept the Eye of Horus, the White One, which I have bound up for him and he hath given unto thee."

Present two vessels of White Seshet grain.

"20. Accept the Eye of Horus, the Green One, which I have bound up for him and he hath given unto thee."

Present two vessels of Green Seshet grain.

"21. Accept the Eye of Horus, which I have counted for Horus and he hath given unto thee."

Present two vessels of Nepat grain, or cakes.

22. Accept the Eye of Horus, which I have pursued for him and he hath given unto thee."

Present an Aat joint.

"23. Osiris Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee that thou mayest taste it."

Present two vessels of Teben grain, or fruit.

"24. Hail, Osiris Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, it is sweet to the taste, and it followeth thee."

Present two vessels of fruit of all kinds.

"25. I count them for thee."

Present two vessels of spring fruit, flowers, and vegetables.

"26. Behold they have been swallowed by thee."

Present two tables of offerings.

27. Osiris Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra, this is the Eye of

"Horus, it germinateth in thee, in thee in thy name of 'Spearer of the Enemy.'"

Present offerings the whole year.

28. Osiris Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra, Horus hath filled thee wholly with his Eye."

Present offerings at the Festival of Uak.

"Rejoice 1 and dance, O Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra, for standing up and sitting down thou hast thousands of vessels of beer, and joints of meat, and thy sheba offerings are from the house of the [divine] block. . . . As the god is filled with his divine offerings of bread, and cakes, and ale, so shall Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra be filled with his bread. Come to thy son, Osiris, the Spirit among the Spirits, the Sekhem in his places, whom the gods who are in the House of the Prince adore. Hail, Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra, I make thee to approach, and I lead thee to the tomb and to the funeral hall, that I may give unto thee the Eye of Horus, which I have counted for thee. Hail, thou hast swallowed that which was before thee. Hail, Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra, thou hast stood up and received the bread which is thine from my hand.

Recite four times.

"Hail, Osiris Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra, thou art at the door (?), thou restest [there] (?), O Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra, and remainest, O Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra, thou passest on. Thou utterest words to the regions of Horus, and thou passest on. Thou utterest words to the regions of Set, and thou passest on. Thou utterest words to the regions of Osiris, [and thou passest on]. A royal offering [to thee] in all thy forms. Thou puttest on thy loin-cloth, and thy panther skin, and thy girdle with a jackal's tail. Thou advancest with thy two vessels [for the blood], thou slaughterest the bull, thou advancest in the boat Uatch-An, in all thy forms, in all thy places. Thy mace is at the head of the living, and thy word is at the head of the Spirits. Anpu, president of the region of the West, and Antchet, who is at the head of the nomes of the East, make offerings unto thee of the things which are thine. Hail, Pepi Nefer-ka-Ra, thou art a counterpart of the gods thy brethren, . . . . thy son. Thou art endued wholly with the fluid of life in the earth. Attire thou thy body when thou comest into their presence."

Recite four times.


149:1 See Unas, l. 295 ff.; Teta, l. 141 ff.



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