The Liturgy of Funerary Offerings

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The Liturgy of Funerary Offerings

By E. A. Wallis Budge

The Sixth Ceremony

In the next ceremony the SEM priest continues the purification of the deceased, and on this occasion he takes in his hand a ball of incense and lifts it up before the face of the mummy, or statue. We may assume that he does this four, or even five, times, and offers four balls of incense, one for Horus, one for Set, one for


The Sem priest presenting a ball of incense.

Thoth, and one for Sep. Meanwhile the Kher heb says:--

"Thou art purified with natron, and Horus is purified with natron.

"Thou art purified with natron, and Set is purified with natron.

"Thou art purified with natron, and Thoth is purified with natron.

"Thou art purified with natron, and Sep is purified with natron.

"Thou art purified with natron, and thy KA is purified with natron.

"Thou art purified with natron,

"Thou art purified with natron,

"Thou art purified with natron,

"Thou art purified with natron,

"O thou who art stablished among thy brethren the gods.

"Thy head hath been censed for thee, thy bones have been cleansed thoroughly for thee, and thou art filled with that which belongeth unto thee. O Osiris, I have given unto thee the Eye of Horus, and thy face is filled therewith, and it spreadeth its odour about thee."



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