The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

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The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

By A. T. Barker

Letter No C

The new '' guide " has meanwhile a few words to say to you.If you care anything about our future relations, then, you bettertry to make your friend and colleague Mr. Hume give up hisinsane idea of going to Tibet. Does he really think that unlesswe allow it, he, or an army of Pelings will be enabled to huntusout, or bring back news, that we are, after all, but a ** moonshine " as she calls it. Madman is that man who imagines thateven the British Govt : is strong and rich enough and powerfulenough to help him in carrying out his insane plan ! Those whomwe desire to know us will find us at the very frontiers. Thosewho have set against themselves the Chohans as he has—wouldnot find us were they to go L'hassa with an army. His carryingout the plan will be the signal for an absolute separation betweenyour world and ours. His idea of applying to the Govt : for per-mission to go to Tibet is ridiculous. He will encounter dangersat every step and—^will not even hear the remotest tidings aboutourselves or our whereabouts. Last night a letter was to becarried to him as well as to Mrs. Gordon. The Chohan forbid it.You are warned, good friend—act accordingly.




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