The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

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The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

By A. T. Barker

Letter No CIII

Received Allahabad, 1880-81. 

To accomplish a plan like the one in hand many agencies mustbe employed and failure in any one direction jeopardises the re-sults tho' it may not defeat it. We have had various checks andmay have more. But observe : first—that two points areauspicious—thanks to kind Providence ; Allen has become friendly,and a friend of yours (I believe) is Resident at Kashmir. Andsecond that until the Maharajah of Kashmir, the prince first onthe programme—has been sounded the vital point will not havebeen touched. He—the first as I say on the programme has beenleft to the last ! Not much was expected from others and thusfar each of the others who has been approached has failed torespond. Why do not the chelas (?) do as they are told? Ifchelas neglect orders, and strained sense of delicacy interferes,how without miracle can results be expected ! I have telegraphedyou to await Olcott's coming because it is best that you shouldwork together at Calcutta to try and set things in motion. Oneword from you to the Resident would have been sufficient—butyou are proud as all your race. Olcott will be at Calcutta aboutthe 20th. Do not listen to the old woman—she becomes weakminded when left to herself. But M. will take her in hand. 

K. H.



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