The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

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The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

By A. T. Barker

Letter No CVII

My dear Ambassador— 

To quiet the anxiety I see lurking within your mind, and whichhas even a more definite form than you have expressed, let mesay that I will use my best endeavours to calm our highly sensitive—not always sensible old friend, and make her stop at her pK>st.Ill health resulting from natural causes, and mental anxiety havemadie her nervous to an extreme degree and sadly impaired herusefulness to us. For a fortnight past she has been all but useless and her emotions have sped along her nerves like electricitythro' a telegraphic wire. All has been chaos. I am sendingthese few lines by a friend to Olcott so that they may be for-warded without her knowledge.

Consult freely with our friends in Europe and return with a goodbook in your hand and a good plan in your head. Encouragethesincere brethren at Galles in their work of education. Some cheer-ing words from you will give them heart. Telegraph to NicolasDias Inspector of Police Galles that you, a member of the Councilof the T.S. are coming (the date and name of steamer given) andI will cause H.P.B. to do the same to another person. Thinkonthe way of your true friend. 

K. H. and . . . .



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