The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

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The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

By A. T. Barker

Letter No CX

My dear friend— 

May I trouble you to hand the enclosed Rs : 50 to Darbhag-iri Nath when you see him? The little man is in trouble but has to be remonstrated; and the best punishment for an accepted Chela is to receive the reproof through a ** lay " one. On his way from Ghoom to Beng-al through imprudence and indiscretion he lost money, and, instead of addressing himself directly to me he tried to dodge " the Master's eye " and called upon a probationary chela upon whom he has not the sligfhtest claim to help him out of his difficulty. So please tell him that Ram S. Gargya has not received his telegram from Burdwan but that it w^ent direct into the hands of the Lama who notified me of it. Let him be more prudent in future. You now see the danger in allowing- young chelas out of sight even for a few days. Money losses are nothing-, but it is the results involved and the temptation that are terrible. My friend, I am afraid you too, have been again imprudent. I have a letter from Colonel Chesney—very polite and quite diplomatic. Several such messages may do for an excellent refrigerator. 


P.S.—I am glad to find you reprinting in the Pioneer *' A Day with my Indian Cousins" by Atettjee Sahibjee, etc. From Vanity Fair. Last year I had asked you to give some work, to the author of those sketches after the manner of the once famous Ali Baha—but was refused. You thought he did not write well enough for the Pioneer. You distrusted a native and now his articles are accepted in Vanity Fair.

I am glad for poor Padshah. He is a madcap, yet of excellent heart and sincerely devoted to Theosophy and—our Cause.

I must consult you. Hume writes to H.P.B. (a most loving letter !), He sends her two corrected copies of a letter of his in the Pioneer of the 20th and remarking that the time has come when, if the native press all over the country will only follow this, his—lead, push the question strongly—material concessions will be obtained—he adds " you will of course reprint this in the Theosophist.'* How can she do it, without connecting her journal directly with politics? I would have extremely liked to have his letter on education reproduced from your Pioneer in the Theosophist, but hesitated to tell her to do it, fearing it would give a new colouring to the magazine. Some of his articles are extremely able.

Well and what are you to do about anniversary of " Eclectic *' and cyclic conclusion? She is better and we have left her near Darjeeling. She is not safe in Sikkim. The Dugpa opposition is tremendous and unlesswe devote the whole of our time to watching her, the ** Old Lady"will come to grief since she is now unable to take care of herself.See what happened to the little man—he will tell you. You oughtto take her in for October and November. 

Yours again, 

This little wretch forced me to blush before you on accountofhis indiscretion—** from a European standpoint." I cannotbealways looking after my Chelas in their travels—and their knowledge of your ways and usages amounts to cypher! It is butto-day that I learned of his borrowing from you Rs : 30 throughDjual Khool. He had no business and no right to do so ; butyoumust pardon him for he has not the least conception of the differ-ence between a Tibetan and a European chela and acted as uncere-moniously with you as he would with Djual Khool. I sendyouback with thanks the money lent, hoping you will not take usallfor savages !

I am writing you a long letter by fits and starts as usual. Whenthat business letter will be on it's way, I will send another withanswers to your questions.

A ludicrous thing happened in connexion with C. C. M.'s letterthat I will relate in my next.

Hail and success to the ** new President " at last ! ! 

Yours ever, 
K. H.




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