The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

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The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

By A. T. Barker

Letter No CXII

My reply to Colonel Chesney in answer to his letter was already written and ready to be forwarded by my little man, when I received yours advising me not to correspond with him. Therefore I forward it to you to be read, and should you think it expedient—to deliver it to it's address. It seems rude to leave his letter without any acknowledgment—whether he is or is not in sympathy with the movement.

But good friend I leave this entirely in your hands and pray you to use in the matter your own discretion. You ought to know that decidedly young Fern is a little humbug and worse—a congenital though often an irresponsible liar. He tries in his last to bamboozle M. and make him believe he, Fern, is a new Zanoni en herhe. He is testing us in every way and manner and constant skirmishes notwithstanding has a certain and very strong influence on Hume, whom he bamboozles with imaginary ** powers " whose mission is to supplant the Brothers. He made him believe indirectly he belonged to a Society whose ** name is unmentionable " a Society that seeks no one, whose one member knows not who the other is, nor will he know till the real nature of the " Brothers " is made public, though the system on which it works precludes all deception, etc. etc. To M. he writes that he confesses he •* ought not to have put temptation " in his (Hume's) way. For having over estimated his strength, he has " unwittingly caused him to fall." This individual is at the bottom of much that has happened. Watch and beware of him. One thing is certain though. These are not times for visiting with severity the offences of the two indiscreet and but half faithful ** lay chelas." Now that Mr. Hume alienated the Chohan and M I remain alone to carry on the difficult work. You read H.*sletter. How do you like that huge shadow of a Yogi withsolemnly stretched out hand, and defiant haughty eyes disavowingwith contemptuous gesture the intent of hurting the Society. Let me echo your sigh for the poor Society, and before fadingaway again into the foggy distance between Simla and Pari Yongassure you of my ever friendly feelings for yourself, 
K. H.

Mr. W. Oxley wants to join the Eclectic. I'll tell her to sendto you on his letter. Kindly write to him to say that he mustnot feel vexed at my denial. I know he is thoroughly sincere andas incapable of a deception or even exaggeration as you are. Buthe trusts too much to his subjects. Let him be cautious andvery guarded ; and, if he joins the Society I may help and evencorrespond with him through you. He is a valuable man,andindeed, more worthy of sincere respect than any other Spiritualisticmystic I know of. And though I have never approached himastrally or conversed with I have often examined him in thought.Do not fail to write to him with the first steamer. 

K. H



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