The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

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The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

By A. T. Barker

Letter No CXIX

Give Mr. Sinnett my salams—and ask him to comment upon the slip enclosed. He may know what I mean him to write upon the subject editorially. Tell him also that time is short and precious and ought not to be wasted.

K. H. 

The following may lead later on to a curious confirmation ot our " obscuration " doctrine which so puzzles my friend—the Editor of the " Phoenix." Will you kindly and likewise, comment upon it and oblige thereby, 

K. H.

Newspaper Cutting


Sir John Lubbock's opinion confirms or endorses the conclusion long since put forth by some of the most eminent astronomers, namely, that there are now in the solar system, or firmament, many dark bodies-—that is, bodies which now emit no light, or comparatively little. He points out, for example, that in the case of Procyon the existence of an invisible body is demonstrated by the movement of the visible stars. Another illustration which he cites relates to the notable phenomena pre- sented by Algow, the bright star in the Head of Medusa. This star shines without change for two days and thirteen hours ; then,in three hours and a half, dwindles from a star of the secondtoone of the fourth magnnitude ; and then, in another three andahalf hours, resumes its original brilliancy. According to the viewentertained by Professor Lubbock, these changes must be re-garded as indicating the presence of an opaque body, which inter-cepts at regular intervals a part of the light emitted by Algow.



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