The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

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The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

By A. T. Barker

Letter No CXXXV

My dear Mr. Sinnett, 

For fear that you should * * trace back " to me a new treacherypermit me to say that I have never said to Hiibbe Schleiden andFranz Gebhard that the existence of our seven objective planetswas an allegory. What I said was, that the objectivity andactuality of the septenary chain had nothing to do with the correctunderstanding of the seven rounds. That outside of the initiatesno one knew the mot final of this mystery. That you could notunderstand it thoroughly, nor explain it, because Mahat K.H. toldyou hundred times that you could not be told the whole doctrine;that you knew Hume had made him questions and cross-examinedHim until his hair became grey. That there were hundredapparent inconsistencies just because you had not the key to theXyy'/X and could not be given it. In short that you gave thetruth out but by far not the whole truth especially about roundsand rings which was only at best allegorical. 




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