The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

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The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

By A. T. Barker

Letter No L

Received August, 1882. 

My dear friend, I feel terribly pidled down (mentally) with this unceasing atti-tude of unavoidable opposition, and as continual attacks on ourstronghold ! During the whole of my quiet, contemplative life, I have never met with a man more tenacious or unreasonable ! I can- not go on Hke that passing my Hfe in useless protest ; and if you cannot bring to bear upon him your friendly influence, we will have all of us to part company, at some not distant day. I was with the Chohan when I received the letter I now enclose, and—the Chohan was perfectly disgusted, and called the whole thing the Tibetan name for " comedy." It is not that he is anxious to " do good " or ** help the progress of the T.S." It is simply, believe me or not—insatiable pride in him ; a ferocious, intense desire to feel and show to others that he is the '* one elect," that he knows that which all others are barely allowed to suspect. Do not protest for it is useless. We know, and you do not. The Chohan heard the other day the idiotic but painfully sincere lamentations of the " wife " and^—took note of them. Such is not a man who aims at becoming a " perfect soul " and he who would write of a brother Theosophist what he has written to me of Fern—is no theosophist. Let this be strictly private, and do not let him know but what he will read himself in my letter. I want you to read the two letters before you take them to him and I beg of you to be present when he reads them,

I will see what can be done for Colonel Chesney and I believe Djual Khool is after him. For the first time in my life I think I feel really disheartened. Yet for the sake of the Society I would not lose him. Well I will do all I can, but I am seriously afraid that he will spoil the broth himself some day. Yours with sincere affection, 
K. H.



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