The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

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The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

By A. T. Barker

Letter No LVIII

My Dear * Ward," 

We will not, if you please, deal at present with the situationconcerning ** stars and obscurations "—for reasons very plainlytold to you this morning by H.P.B. My task becomes with everyletter more dangerous. It becomes exceedingly difficult to teachyou and hold at the same time strictly to the original programme: * * so far shall we go and no further. ' ' Yet—hold to it we mustand ivill.

You have entirely mistaken my meaning in the telegram. Thewords : *' more at Adyar " related to the true explanation of yourvision, not by any means, to a promise of some further psychological experiments made in that direction by myself. The visionwas due to an attempt by D.K. who is extremely interested in your progress. While he succeeded in getting you out, of yourbody, he failed entirely in his effort to open your inner vision, for reasons correctly surmised at the time by yourself. I took no personal active part in the attempt. Hence my answer ** sur- mises correct—more at Adyar. " I am in a very false position just now, and have—in order not to jeopardise the possibilities of the future—to be doubly cautious.

The probable date of your departure? Well—on or about April 7th. If your impatience disagrees with this desire of mine you are free to do as you like. Yet, I would look upon it as a personal favour. I am profoundly disgusted with the apathy of my countrymen in general. More than ever I trust but in the few staunch workers of the luckless and hapless T.S. The Viceroy's letter would be of the greatest help if it could be but judiciously used. But in such matters, I see I am no judge, as I now augur from the impression left on your mind by R. Srinavasa Rao and others.

The incident of February the 7th being explained, your question relating to ** earlier restrictions " is already covered.

May I beg of you two more personal and important favours? First—to ever bear in mind that whenever and whatever is possible will be always done for you unurged ; hence never to either ask for, or suggest it, yourself—since it will amount to simply avoiding to me the supremely disagreeable task of having to refuse a friend's request without, moreover, being in a position to explain the reason why ; and second—to remember that though personally and for your own sake I may be prepared to do a great deal I have in no way bound myself to do anything of the sort for the Fellows of the British T.S. I have pledged my word to you to teach them through your kind agency—our philosophy and whether they accept it or not. But I have never undertaken to convince any of them of the extent of our powers nor even of our personal existence. Their belief or disbelief in the latter is a matter of very trifling imjx>rtance to us indeed. If they are ever to be benefitted by our promise, it must be through you, alone and your own personal efforts. Nor can you ever see me (in flesh), —not even in a clearly defined vision—unless you are prepared to pledge your honour never to reveal the fact to anyone, so long as you live, (save you receive permission to that effect). That the consequence of such a pledge will be a never satisfied as an ever recurring doubt in the minds of your British Fellows—is just what we want for the present. Too much, or too little was said and proved of us as M.A. (Oxon) justly remarked. We are ordered to set ourselves to work to sweep away the few vestiges—for which fresh policy you are indebted to the incessant underground intrigues of our ex-friend Mr. Hume—(now entirely in the hands of the Brothers of the Shadow)—and the more our actual existence be doubted—the better. As to tests and convincing proof to theSadducees of Europe generally and those of England especially—this is something to be left entirely out of our future programme.Unless allowed to use our own judgment and means—the courseof future events will by no means run smooth. Thus you shouldnever use such phrases as " for the sake of strength with friendsat home * ' as they would be sure to do no good and would simplyirritate the more the other ** powers that be "—to use the ridicu-lous phrase. It is not always flattering, good friend, to be placedeven by those one likes the best—on the same level with shells and mediums—for the purpose of tests. I thought you hadluckily outgrown that stage. Let us hold at present to the simplyintellectual aspect of our intercourse and busy ourselves but withphilosophy and—your future paper and leave the rest to time andits unforeseen developments.

It is precisely because I follow and perceive the dual workingof your mind in making such requests that I sign myself invari-ably.

 Your affectionate friend, 
K. H.



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