The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

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The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

By A. T. Barker

Letter No LXI

Sinnett Sahib is, my respectful salaams—informed that his *• guardian " is occupied upon official business that he cannot give even a moment's consideration to the L.L. or its members; nor to write him individually whether by pen or precipitation—the more difficult, not to say costly, method of the twO'—to our reputations in the west anyhow.

Mohini cannot stop in London indefinitely nor for any g^reaterlength of time as he has duties to perform elsewhere—duties tohis family as well as others to the Theosophical Society. Besidesbeing a Chela and so not a free—in the ordinary acceptationof the term, he has numerous mouths to feed at Calcutta and moreover must earn enough more to repay the friend who advancedhim £i2^ money towards the expenses of his present mission,whatever K.H. may or may not do for him something he is prohibited counting upon as every other Chela. At the same timelet it be known to you that he needs temporary change of climate.He suffered greatly from cold in that high room where there is nofireplace in your house and K.H. had to surround him with a doubleshell against a death cold that threatened him. RememberHindoos are exotic plants in your inclement pays and cold, andthose who need them have to take care of them. (If when annoying Olcott on Sunday last to tell you this information, I did notmake him tell you, and add this it is, because I wanted to sparehim in your mind already prejudiced against him and incliningtowards a belief that he spoke out of his head.)

Again if you need Mohini's help at London the Theosophistsat Paris require it even more since their Occult education is inferiorto yours. It is planned that he should divide his time equallyamong all the European " centres of spiritual activity " and if heis now required at Paris on the i ith inst. he will also be allowedto come back to London when the Continental movement is fairlyinaugurated. In any event you will have Olcott the better partof the time. But fear not, if Henry is allowed to prolong hisstay in London he will not '' worry " either of you by comingdown in his extravagant Asiatic undresses—for he will not stopwith you but with the Arundales ladies—as ordered before now,the order being reiterated by me when Madame Sahib remarkedit was better he should stop where he was after Upasika had left.Nor is Olcott worse than many others. And though some personsmay not concede it there are worse wranglers than he. I mustnot close without letting you know that in the Kingsford rowjustice is no longer on your side. Though unwilling to confess—you show spite Sahib personal spite. You have defeated her andyou would now mortify and punish her. This is not right. Youought to learn to dissociate your consciousness from your externalself more than you do if ye wotdd not lose K.H. For he is muchannoyed at what goes on. Excuse mv remarks but it is for yourown benefit. I beg your pardon. 



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