The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

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The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

By A. T. Barker

Letter No LXXI

Very kind Sinnett Sahib—many thanks and salams for thetobacco-machine. Our frenchified and Peling-jzed Pundit tells methe little short thing has to be cooloted—whatever he may meanby this—and so I will proceed to do so. The pipe is short and mynose long-, so we will agree very well together I hope. ITianks—many thanks.

The situation is more serious than you may imagine and wewill want our best forces and hands to work at pushing away badluck. But our Chohan willing and you helping we will scrambleout somehow or another. There are clouds which are below yourhorizon and K.H. is right—^the storm is threatening. Could youbut go to Bombay to the Anniversary you would confer upon K.H.and myself a great obligation a lasting one^—but that you knowbest. This meeting will be either the triumph or the downfallof the Society and a—gulf. You are wrong too about the PelingSahib—he is as dangerous as a friend as an enemy very very badas both I know him best. Anyhow you Sinnett Sahib reconciledme to a good many things you are true and true I will be. 

Yours always 



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