The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

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The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

By A. T. Barker

Letter No LXXII

My good Brother—the little Doctor and the chela Mohini willexplain to you the object of their visit and a serious conferencewhich I believe necessary. The objections of last year are creepingout also, you have a letter from me in which I explain why wenever guide our chelas (the most advanced even) ; nor do we fore-warn them leaving the effects produced by causes of their owncreation to teach them better experience. Please bear in mindthat particular letter. Before the cycle ends every misconceptionought to be swept away. I trust in and rely upon you to clearthem entirely in the minds of the Prayag Fellows. They are atroublesome lot—especially Adityaram, who influences the wholegroup. But what they say of last night is right. You werealittle bit too much carried away with your enthusiasm for occultismand mixed it up very imprudently with Universal Brotherhood.They will explain to you all. 

K. H.



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