The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

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The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

By A. T. Barker

Letter No LXXIX

Since you did not " deal exhaustively with the case " in yourprevious note I said only what I did, for I am no business man.One used to mercantile affairs would doubtless have deducedtheentire plan from even smaller fragments than you have. But nowthat you have opened out the question I may say (holding at thesame time my amateur opinion in very light esteem) that yourscheme appears reasonable and just enough. Mr. Dare, no lessthan yourself should be substantially rewarded for his valuableand devoted services. Your proposal that the alienated 4-1 2th'sof shares shall not participate in profits until their respectiveowners have made the remaining 8-i2th's yield fair remunerationto capital—is a fair one to both parties.

Whether you shall or shall not eventually issue a duplexorquadruplex journal I still think that if practicable, the largeramount of capital should be sought after, for, when you are fullyequipped for any emergency you may deliberately adopt such planas cool judgment and a calculation of all the chances mayindi-cate as best.

And now, before quitting my novel relation of a businessadviser, I must repeat that while we will help the enterprise fromfirst to last as fully as possible within our rules, the initiativemust be taken by your friends and ought to be guided and sympathised with by yourself, and I will just tell you why. Whilethegreatest good ought to result from the successful establishmentofsuch a journal the strict law of justice forbids us to do aughttolessen in the slightest degree the merit to which he who shallmake the dream a reality will be entitled. Few are those whoknow their future or what is best for them. No doubt, life ontheEuropean continent and in England possesses charms lackedbypoor, dull India. But the latter can, on the other hand, offerprivileges and attractions undreamt of by the average mystic.Idare not say more ; but, you are wrong, very, very wrong in con-senting to stop here only for my sake. I, at least, do not feelmyself selfish enough to accept the sacrifice, had I not knownwhat I do.

For your obliging compliance with our wishes that you shouldattend the anniversary celebration accept our best thanks. Theeffects of your presence and speech will be greater and better thanyou can now conceive. And, like all good actions, they will bringabundant reward for yourself—here and hereafter. Let it beaconsolation to you that you helped in a positive degreetoneutralize the evil influences which the enemies of Truth had concentrated upon the Society. The dead point of the revolving cycleis past : a new one begins for the Theosophical Society—onthe17th of December. Watch and see. Ever your friend, 
K. H.



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