The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

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The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

By A. T. Barker

Letter No LXXVI

Chela training. Poor Subba Row is "in a fix "—that is why he does not answer you. On one hand he has theindomitable H.P.B. who plagues Morya's life to reward you andM. himself who would if he could gratify your aspirations ; on theother he encounters the unpassable Chinese wall of rules andLaw. Believe me, good friend, learn what you can under thecircumstances—to viz. —the philosophy of the phenomena and ourdoctrines on Cosmogony, inner man, etc. This Subba Row willhelp you to learn, though his terms—he being an initiatedBrahmin and holding to the Brahmanical esoteric teaching—willbe different from those of the " Arhat Buddhist " terminology.But essentially both are the same—identical in fact. My heartmelts when I read Mr. Hume's sincere noble letter—especiallywhat I perceive between the lines. Yes, to one from his stand-point our policy must seem selfish and cruel. I wish I were theMaster ! In five or six years I hope to become my own " guide"and things will have somewhat to change then. But evenCaesar in irons cannot shuffle off the irons and transfer themtoHippo or Thraso the turnkey. Let us wait. I cannot think ofMr. Hume without remembering each time an allegory of myown country : the genius of Pride watching over a treasure, aninexhaustible wealth of every human virtue, the divine gift ofBrahma to man. The Genius has fallen asleep over its treasurenow, and one by one the virtues are peeping out. . . . Willhe awake before they are all freed from their life long bonds?

That is the question— 
K. H



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