The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

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The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

By A. T. Barker

Letter No LXXVII

Received March, 18S3. 

Pray, convey to Col. Gordon the expression of my sympathy ^^ and friendly esteem. He is indeed a loyal friend and a trust- worthy ally. Tell him that with every allowance for the motives given and his own quiet modesty I yet believe he may yet do much good in his own unassuming way. A Howrah Branch is really needed and he alone can create the nucleus. Why not try? He cares not for the service and is ready at any moment to throw it up. But this is unnecessary so long as it lasts and gives him a strength and authority with some native members which other- wise he would not have. At any rate then he is going to be taken to Simla and will have plenty of ** nothing to do " time. Why not use his opportunities for putting the Eclectic and Himalayan in order—of course in his official capacit}^ as a member of Council and Vice-President of the Eclectic. I will have Olcott send him an official paper to that effect and write instructions for him myself. I am anxious to remove the Anglo-Indian " Eclectic " to Calcutta, and have its Headquarters (though it be nominal for a while) announced through the journal hitherto as established in the capital—the native members of the Eclectic incorporated in the Himalayan and a para : inserted to notify all those who would join the Anglo-Indian Branch that in your absence they w^ould have to address themselves to Col. W. Gordon Acting President in your place. Some are born for diplomacy and intrigue : I rather think that it is not my particular province. Withal, I believe the arrangement calculated to impede the disastrous effects of Mr. Hume's intrigue and his endeavours to have the Society (Eclectic) dead and buried, thus showing those concerned with it, that he was its Creator and Preserver, and that his retirement was its death-knell. Thanks for Col : G. 's letter.

The 30th is as good as any other day after the 27th. No ; a Branch at Madras is not absolutely necessary from the very starting. But it does stand to reason that if it is Madras that is to furnish the largest share of the funds that it would also have the preference after Calcutta. So long- as the money is notinit is useless to fix any date. Our paper once established I willnever concern myself any more with any worldly enterprise. YesI have worry and annoyance indeed ; but then it had to be ex-pected, and no fish undertaking a ramble on the river's bankandoutside its own element need complain of catching a lumbago.We are near the end now one way or the other, and once I takemy leap back into the crystal wave—few will ever have a chanceof seeing me peeping out again. Mankind are not always whatthey seem and I have lost much of my optimism in the lateaffray. Mankind was somewhere named the poetry of creationand woman the poetry of earth. When she is not an angel shemust be a fury. It is in the latter capacity that I have ever mether on my way when Rajahs and Zemindars were quite readytodisburse the necessary funds. Well well, the affray is stillraging and we may yet win brilliantly the day. 

Yours truly, 
K. H



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