The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

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The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

By A. T. Barker


My dear friend : —do not accuse me—after having starteditmyself—of indiiference to, or oblivion of, our little speculation.The Chohan is not to be consulted every day on such ** worldly"matters, and that is my excuse for the unavoidable delay. 

And now, I am permitted by my venerated Chief to conveytoyou a memorandum of His views and ideas upon the fortune anddestinies of a certain paper upon which his foresight was askedby your humble friend and his servant. Putting them into busi-ness shape I have noted his views as follows.
I.    The establishment of a new journal of the kind describedisdesirable, and very feasible—with proper effort. 
II.    That effort must be made by your friends in the world,and every Hindu theosophist who has the good of his countryatheart, and not very afraid to spend energy and his time. It hasto be made by outsiders—i.e. those who do not belong to ourOrder irretrievably ; as for ourselves. 
III.    We can direct and guide their efforts and the movement,in general. Tho' separated from your world of action we are notyet entirely severed from it so long as the Theosophical Societyexists. Hence, while we cannot inaugurate it publicly and to theknowledge of all theosophists and those concerned, we may, andwill so far as practicable, aid the enterprise. In fact, we havebegun already to do so. Moreover, we are permitted to rewardthose who will have helped the most effectually to realize this grand idea (which promises in the end to change the destiny of a whole nation, if conducted by one like yourself).
IV.    In proposing to capitalists, especially to natives, the risk (as they are likely to think) of so large a sum, special inducements should be held out to them. Therefore, we are of opinion that you should ask no more compensation than you now receive, until your exertions have made the journal a decided success—something that must and shall happen, if I am good for anything. For a certain time, then, it is desirable that the affair should be stripped in the eyes of the future shareholders of every objection- able feature. Capital may now be invested in various ways so as to secure moderate interest with little or no risk. But for the ordinary speculator, there is much risk in founding a new journal of high cost, which is to favour the side of just native interests in those too frequent cases of injustice (which can hardly be proven to you under ordinary circumstances, but that will)—which always occur when a country is held by foreign conquerors. Cases which, as regards India, tend to multiply with the gradual entrance of officials of a lower social origin under the competitive system of appointment ; and increased friction due to a selfish re- sentment of the admission of natives to Civil Service. To your capitalists, therefore, you should hold out the inducement that you will unselfishly labour, for the same emolument as at your dis- posal now—to make their venture more than ordinarily profitable, and only claim a share of profits—as delineated by yourself with a slight change—when that point will be reached. I am ready to offer myself as a guarantee that it speedily will.
V.    My suggestion is therefore, agreeably with the Chohan's opinion, that you should offer to accept the consolidated monthly pay you mention, (with the usual and necessary personal expenses of travel when on business for the journal) until the capital shall be earning 8 per cent. Of the profits between 8 and 12 per cent you should have the quarter share. Of all above 12 per cent., one half share.
VI.    You should have certainly entire control over the journal ; with some reassuring provisos that that power should not be transferable to a successor without the consent of a majority of the capital represented in the ownership ; and that it should cease when it became apparent that the journal was being used against the interests to promote which it was founded. Without some such reservation my venerable Chohan, and we too, think that deep-seated prejudices and suspicions would cause native capitalists—especially the rajahs—to hesitate—not for fear to make the large risks of this undertaking, but owing to doubts as to its success. The whole Anglo-European community now suffers in native opinion for the commercial sins of dishonest houses who have heretofore broken faith with the capitalists ; andthere are several Rajahs, who now follow in pensive gloom thefar distant form of Sir Ashley Eden, who walks off with onepocket full of never fulfilled promises and the other loaded withthe remembrance of several lakhs of rupees borrowed from andnever returned to his friends—the rajahs. At the same time,these provisos should be so framed as to protect your interests aswell. Some offer on your part, spontaneous of course, invitingthe occasional inspection of books and papers at reasonable timesfor the verification of accounts rendered, should be given, sinceyour personal integrity cannot be guaranteed for all your servants.But this is not to diminish your authority over the managementofthe journal in all departments.
VII.    It is better that the whole capital should be paid in beforethe journal is begun, as it is always unpleasant and troublesometo call in assessments on top of original losses. But it shouldbeprovided that so much as was not immediately needed should bekept at interest ; and that a Sinking Fund should be created outof the income of the journal, to provide for any unforseenexigency. The surplus capital as well as the earnings, to be dis-tributed from time to time.
VIII.    The usual contracts and copartnership papers mightbeexecuted from the beginning, but deposited in confidential handsmutually agreeable and their nature kept secret until the arrivalof a certain specified contingency. This would show good faithon both sides and inspire confidence.
IX.    No remark upon the other features of your programmeseems called for. Therefore—to something else now. Two or three nights ago, the following conversation, or rather,profession of independent opinion was listened to by myself, andapproved, as far as wordly reasoning goes. Olcott was talkingwith several influential theosophists concerned with, and in-terested in our future journalistic operations. Your colleague andbrother the good and sincere Norendro Babu of the Mirror saidwise words to this effect :
" Of the several princes, whom Mr. Sinnett's friends haveinview in India, probably not one would be influenced to subscribethe capital from patriotic motives. The Nizam wants the Berars,and is hoping that England will be as generous to him as she is toCetewayo. Holkar wants cent per cent or as nearly that as possible. Kashmir fears the C. and M. Gazette and the cupidity thathas long yearned to annex his rich province (to this, my conservative and patriotic friend A.P.S. is sure to demur); Benaresisorthodox and would spend freely to abolish cow- (not ox-) killing.Baroda is a boy, with a colt's restiveness and no clear idea, asyet, about life. With proper agents and discreet negotiations the 5 lakhs may (?) be raised, but it cannot be said how soon; (right, there, especially he who has little if any faith in our helping them).

H.P.B. forwarded me since then your letter. In case my, advice is asked I should counsel— (i) the keeping of your Proprietors in suspense as to your actual chances, so as to give you the option of doing what may develop into the best thing. I, for one, confess to you now that I have two strings to my bow. When the new capital is raised, in case even it is so very soon—it will make no very great difference whether your paper be started next cold weather or the following so long as you are at the head of the Pioneer. You would be at it's helm until November and meanwhile your friends would have time to manage their difficult and delicate negotiations, and provisions might be made for you to receive an equitable proportion of salary while perfecting your arrangements at home, to begin in the cold weather of 1884. On the other hand, if the capital could be secured shortly you could put it at interest, and draw no pay until you leave the Pioneer. Of course, without forcing the events—in violation ot our laws, save the Chohan's permission—all this is an uncertainty and a dilemma in some sort. Yet I can help your friends, and they will find it out very quick no sooner they begin. No : I would not promise if I were you, not to start another paper ; for, to begin with, you do not know what might turn up ; and then it is always useful to have a sword of Damocles hanging over such heads as Rattigan's and Walker's. They are frightened to death—I tell you. They might even make it pleasant and profit- able to you to continue directing the Pioneer, with increased editorial powers and salary, for this they could better afford than to have you compete with them with 5 lakhs at your back. As to the advisability of such a thing—time will show. As advised at present I still hold to the original programme. You must be complete and sole master of a paper devoted to the interests of my benighted countrymen. The '* Indo-British nation " is the pulse I go by. More—anon.

I enclose a letter kindly lent to me—without his knowledge tho* —^by the Colonel. Our friend foams with rage in the most unyogi like manner, and Subba Row is right in his opinions of him. Such letters and worse will be received by C. C. M., S.M. and others. And this is the man who swore his word of honour but the other day that he would never injure the Society, whatever may be his opinion of us personally ! The close of the cycle good friend—the very last efforts. . . . Who will win the day? Of the Dugpas, under whose influence he has now placed himself altogether, whom he attracts in every way and manner or But that will do ! 

Yours sincerely, 
K. H.



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