The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

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The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

By A. T. Barker

Letter No XCV

Such a life of infamy. I will try to make of him a vegetarian and a teetotaller. Total abstinence from flesh and liquor are very wisely prescribed by Mr. Hume if he would have good results. In good hands E. will do an immense good to the T.S. in India,but for this, he has through a training of purification.M. had to prepare him for six weeks before his departure other-wise it would have been impossible for me to project into hisatmosphere even the reflection of ** my double." I told youalready, my kind friend, that what he saw was not me. NorwillI be able to project that reflection for you—unless he is thoroughlypurified. Therefore, as the matter now stands I have not a wordto say against Mr. Hume's conditions as expressed in his last** official " letter, except in congratulating him with all myheart.For the same reason it is impossible for me to answer himandhis questions just now. Let him have patience, pray, in theE.matter. There are dirty conspiracies set on foot, and germinatingin London, among the spiritualists ; and I am not at all sure thatE. will resist the tide that threatens to submerge him unless theyobtain from him, at least a partial recantation. We departed fromour policy and the experiment was made with him on the " Vega"solely for the benefit of some Anglo Indian theosophists. Mr.Hume had expressed his surprise that even E.'s ** spirits " shouldknow nothing of us, and that despite the interests of the causewe did not show ourselves even to him. On the other hand,theCalcutta spiritualists and Mrs. Gordon with them weretriumphant, and Colonel G. followed suit. The " dear departed"ones were for the short period of his stay at Calcutta in the odourof sanctity, and the " Brothers " rather low in public estimation.Many of you thought that our appearing to E., would ** savethesituation " and force spiritualists to recognise the claimsofTheosophy. Well, we complied with your wishes. M. andIwere determined to show to you that there was no ground for suchhope. The Bigotry and Blindness of the Spiritualists fed bytheselfish motives of professional mediums are rampant andtheopponents are now desperate. W^e must allow the natural courseof events to develop, and can only help on the coming crisisbyhaving a hand in the increasing frequency of exposures. It wouldnever do for us to force events, as it would be only making" martyrs *' and allowing these the pretext for a new craze.

Thus, pray have patience, Mr. Hume—if he only holds ontohis resolutions—has a grand and noble work before him—thework of a true Founder of a new social era, of a philosophical andreligious Reform. It is so vast and so nobly conceived, thatif,as I hope, we will now finally agree, he will have quite enoughtodo during the interval that is necessary for me to probe andpre-pare Eglinton. I will write to Mr. Hume and answer his everypoint in a few days explaining the situation as I conceiveit.Meanwhile you will do well to show him this letter. Your Reviewof the Perfect Way is more perfect than its author's conception.

I thank you, my friend, for your good services. You are beginning to attract the Chohan's attention. And if you only knew what significance that has, you would not be calculating to a nicety what reward you are entitled to for certain recent services mentioned. 

Yours affectionately, 
K. H.



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