The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

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The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

By A. T. Barker

Letter No XLII

Received about February, 1882. 

I say again what you like me not to say, namely that no regular instruction, no regular communication is possible between us before our mutual path is cleared of its many impediments. The greatest being the public misconception about the Founders. For your impatience you cannot nor will you be blamed. But if you fail to make a profitable use of your newly-acquired privileges, you would indeed be unworthy, friend. Three, four weeks more —and I will retire to give room with you all, to him to whom that room belongs, and whose place I could but very unadequately occupy, for I am neither a scribe nor a Western scholar. Whether the Chohan finds yourself and Mr. Hume more qualified than he did before to receive instructions through us—is another question. But you ought to prepare for it. For much remains yet to break forth. You perceived, hitherto but the light of a new day—you may, if you try, see with K.H.'s help the sun of full noon-day when it reaches it meridian. But you have to w^ork for it, work for the shedding of light upon other minds through yours. How, will you say? Hitherto of you two, Mr. H. was positively antagonistic to our advice, you—passively resisting it at times often yielding against what you conceived—your better judgment such is my answer. The results were—what they had to be expected. No good or very little came out of a kind of spas- modic defence—the solitary defence of a friend presumably pre- judiced in favour of those whose champion he had come out and a member of the Society. Mr. Hume would never listen to K.H.'s suggestion of a lecture in his house during which he might have well disabused the public mind of a part of the prejudice at least, if not entirely. You thought it was unnecessary to publish and spread among the readers as to who she was.

Think ye, Prinrose and Rattigan are likely to spread the knowledge and give out reports of what they know to be the case?And so on. Hints are all sufficient to an intelligence like yours.I tell you this for I know how profound and sincere is your feel-ing for K.H. I know how bad y'll feel, if when among us againyou find that communication between you has not improved. Andits sure to pass when the Chohan finds no progress since he madehim have you. See what the Fragments—the most superb ofarticles—has done ; how little effect it will produce unless theopposition is stirred up discussion provoked and spiritualistsforced to defend their foolish claims. Read editorial Spiritualistin November i8, ** Speculation spinning "—she cannot answerit as either he or you might and the result will be that the mostprecious hints will fail to reach the minds of those craving fortruth for a solitary pearl is soon outshone in the midst of a heapof false diamonds, when there's no jeweller to point out its worth.So on again. What can we do? I hear already K.H. exclaiming.

It is so, friend. The pathway through earth—life leads throughmany conflicts and trials, but he who does naught to conquerthem can expect no triumph. Let then the anticipation of a fullerintroduction into our mysteries under more congenial circumstances the creation of which depends entirely upon yourselfinspire you with patience to wait for, perseverance to press on to,and full preparation to receive the blissful consummation of allyour desires. And for that you have to remember that whenK.H. shall say to you. Come up hither—you should be ready.Otherwise the all powerful hand of our Chohan will appear oncemore between you and Him.

Send both portraits sent to you from Odessa back to H.P.B.,the O.L. when you done with them. Write a few lines to theOld Generaless to Odessa—^for the Society wants your autograph—I know. Remind her that both you belong to one Society andare—Brothers and promise help for her niece.



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