The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

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The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett - 1923

By A. T. Barker

Letter No XXXIV

It is positively distressing to find oneself so systematically misunderstood, one's intentions misconceived, and the whole plan imperilled by this endless hurrying on. Are we never then to be granted any credit for knowing what we are about, or allowed the benefit of the doubt in the absence of any reasonable proof whatever that we have determined to * ' bar the progress ' ' of the Theos : Society ? Mr. Hume maintains that he does not say—** K.H. or any brother is wrong "—^withal every line of his numerous letters to myself and H.P.B. breathes the spirit of complaint and bitter accusation. I tell you, my good friend, he will never be satisfied do what we may ! And as, we cannot consent to over flood the world at the risk of drowning them, with a doctrine that has to be cautiously given out, and bit by bit like a too powerful tonic which can kill as well as cure—the result will be a reaction in that insatiable craving of his, and then—well you yourself know the consequences. Enclosed two letters written and addressed to her with an eye to myself. Well, we can do no better for the present. The Society will never perish as an institution, although branches and individuals in it may. I have done to humour him lately more than I have ever done for you ; and you may judge of the situation in the chaotic but on the whole reasonable remarks that H.P.B. addresses to-day to Mr. H.

We must be left to judge for ourselves and be permitted to be the best judges. Everything will be explained and given out, m good time if we are but allowed our own ways. Otherwise, rather give up the Eclectic. I had volumes from him during the past week ! I send you a few notes through her. Keep this confidential.




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